必修 第二册 ·英语· 人教版

21 Unit4 History and Traditions Discovering Useful Structures


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to my class. Today we will continue to learn Unit 4, history and traditions. In this class you will identify the past, participate as a tribute and the object complement. Besides, you will use the past participle as the attribute and the object complement to complete sentences.

  老师:In this unit we have read a text titled, what's in a name? Do you remember how most people call the UK? What are the flags of these 4 countries? What did the Normans do after they conquered England?

  老师:Please think for a while and share your answers with us. Question number one, how do most people call the UK? Yes, most people just use the shortened name the United Kingdom or the UK. Question two, what are the flags of these 4 countries? Yes, they use the same flag known as the Union Jack. Number three, what did the Normans do after they conquered England? They had castles built and had the legal system changed. Please read the 3 sentences again. Did you notice the past participants? Yes, the right words in these sentences are past participants. In Chinese we call them guoqu fenzi. How do you understand the past participants in sentences? The shortened name Beijing Huada means the same flag known as the Union Jack.

  老师:相同的一面被叫做 union Jack 的旗子, had the castle split had the legal system changed。承保被建立,法律制度被改变。

  老师:Please read the sentence again. Most people just use the shortened name the United Kingdom or the UK. The past participle form of the verb shortened is used to modify the noun name. So it is an attribute, attribute Ding Yu. Besides, the attribute is placed before the noun. It is also called premodifier. But why the past participle form of the verb shorten is used in the sentence? Do you remember the full name of the country? Yes, the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland. It is a long name, right? So the name is always shortened by people.

  老师:The past participate shortened conveys a passive meaning. Look at the picture. The plate is broken. Yes, it is called a broken plate. Break is a transitive verb. Break, Shi Jiudong's when the past participle form of a transitive verb is used as a tribute. And. convey a passive meaning 及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示被动。

  老师:please look at the leaf it is a fallen leaf four is not a transit verb it is an intranitive verb fall。


  老师:when the past participal of an intransit verb is used as attribute it expresses a sense of completion。


  老师:Please read the two phrases, a broken plate, the spoken language, break and speak are transitive verbs. When the past participle form of the transitive verbs are used as the attribute, it has a passive meaning. Traded verbs, a fallen leaf, a retired teacher, fall and retire are in transit verbs. When the pa


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