八年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

33 Period 3 New Year’s Resolutions


  老师:hello, everyone today will you continue to study unit six im going to study computer science unit six period three new years resolutions。

  老师:同学们,大家好,我是来自人大附中航天城学校的金一鹏老师。今天让我带大家一起继续学习。第六单元 first lets look at the objectives, but the end of the class youd be able to first graph the key information about new years resolutions through listening second talk about your resolution and how youre going to make it work, please read through the objectives again question can you guess what the topic of this lesson is。同学们,请大家再认真读一遍本课的学习目标,你能猜出本节课的话题是什么吗? correct its resolution 这个在学习目标中反复出现的词就是我们今天的话题。

  老师:I believe it is a new word for most of you. Can you guess what the meaning of its word is? The word begins with a letter. So do they share the same meaning with reason? Is a kind of game or even a toy? Oh, it's a kind of wish. Let's put it into context and find out the meaning together.

  老师:guy 同学们,让我们一起在接下来的例子当中寻找答案。 everyone this man。 Is called James. James made a New Year's resolution in 2019 to become a pilot. Did he achieve his opinion?

  老师:Ambition 同学们,这位是詹姆斯。詹姆斯 2019 年定下的新年决心是成为一名飞行员,大家猜一猜,他的目标实现了吗?yes, he made it in twenty 詹姆斯在 2020 年实现了目标,真的成为了一名飞行员。

  老师:Can you guess what resolution means in the context?


  老师:wow, you are not sure about it no worries lets take a look at a second example, this is Lily。

  老师:同学们,这个女孩子叫丽丽, made a new years resolution in twenty nineteen to learn to swim。丽丽 2019 年定下新年决心要学习游泳, has she achieved that goal。大家猜一猜,丽丽的目标实现了吗?

  老师:yes, she made it in twenty。

  老师:丽丽也在 2020 年实现了这个目标。

  老师:now from the examples that i have given can you guess what the meaning of your solution is it risen game or even toy?

  老师:no, it is a synonym for, wish all hope resolution 的意思是决心、意愿和 wish promise hope 是近义词。

  老师:lets think about it whats your resolution what are going to do next year? did you make any resolution last year how was it is there a particular habit that you are planning to cultivate or a new hobby, that you are going to take up, please take some time to think about it and write down your new years resolution in task, one on your worksheet, what are you going to do next year im going to?


  老师:After you have finished, let's take a look at some more resolutions. Please match the pictures with these five resolutions in Task 2 on your worksheet.


  老师:have you got all the answers lets take a look together the first one learn to play the piano。

  老师:学会弹钢琴 which picture contains a piano right the one on the top here。大家选的是这张图片吗? and the next one make the soccer team 成功加入足球队 which picture is about playing soccer, correct its the one on the top here。是左上角的这幅图片。大家选对了吗?

  老师:the next one is a pretty easy one get good grades。



《33 Period 3 New Year’s Resolutions》.doc
