八年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

35 Period 5 My resolutions


  老师:Hi, everyone today, we will continue to study unit six im going to study computer science unit six period five.

  学生:My resolutions.同学们大家好,我是来自人大附中航天城学校的金一鹏老师。今天让我们一起继续学习第6单元。

  老师:lets go through our。 Objectives first, for the end of the class, you'll be able to, 1st, right about your own resolutions, 2nd, right about what you're going to do and explain why.

  老师:Before we start, let's take some time to review the case and the structure and phrases we Learned in this unit. Please. Please look at the picture and make a sentence using the structure.

  学生:And going too bits on the picture.

  学生:请同学们根据图片用 be going to 句型进行造句。

  老师:For example, please take a look at this picture. The boy seems very pleased with his straight ad report card. Can you remember the phrase we Learned in our last class? Yes, get good grades. So sentence should be, I'm going to get good grades. What about the next one? Look at this. boy in the picture below can remember what the phrase is。


  学生:Correct, play the piano. So the sentence.

  老师:Should be, I'm going to learn to play the piano. The next one is a boy doing exercise on.

  学生:A yoga mat. 下一幅图是一个在瑜伽垫上做运动的男生。

  老师:cant remember what the phrases?


  老师:correct get lots of exercise。 So the sentence should be, I'm going to get lots of exercise. The next one is a boy using a fork to eat broccoli.

  学生:下一幅图是一个正拿着叉子吃西兰花的男孩。看这里, broccoli 西兰花。

  老师:as we all know broccoli is a vegetable rich in nutritions。


  老师:so what is the phrase?


  老师:correct eat healthier food so the sentence should be im going to eat healthier food, and the last one, its a boy playing soccer。


  老师:cant remember what phrases?

  学生:大家能联想到是我们之前学习的哪个词组吗? correct make the soccer team 加入足球队。

  老师:so the sentence should be, im going to make the soccer team, we know resolutions are very important to us and in our last class, we let the mini of resolution different kinds of resolutions and the problems in keeping resolutions。

  学生:上一节课中,我们讨论了追 solution 的含义种类,以及实施过程中会遇到哪些问题。最后我们讨论了你是怎么看待下决心这一做法的。

  学生:Whats your opinion on.

  老师:Resolutions. What are the pros and cons? Please share your ideas with your classmates.


  老师:And today we're going to take a further look at resolutions. Please complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words, in the box in Task 1 on your worksheet.

  学生:请大家在任务单上完成填词任务,把下面方框中的词 take listen, make is help, learn and。填进文章的横线上。 have you finished?大家做完了吗?

  老师:now lets check the answers。


  老师:the first one resolutions, are very good resolutions are promises to yourself what about the next one。 Exactly. It's help. They may help to make you a better perso


《35 Period 5 My resolutions》.doc
