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3 字母I-R的正确书写以及相关音标


  老师:Hello everyone, I'm Du Chen Ying. Today we are going to talk about the letters I to R. The learning objectives are, by the end of this lesson, you will be able to talk about things around us.

  老师:in English 可以谈论周围的物品 and to write the letters i to r correctly 正确书写英文字母 i 到 r 的大小写,以及 to read the letters i to r correctly 正确发音和两个元音字母 i 和 o 的长短音的发音。

  老师:First, let's look at a picture with things around us. How do we ask about them? Please listen to a dialogue.

  学生:Starter, Unit 2. What's this in English? Activity 1B. Listen and repeat.

  学生:What's this in English? It's an orange. whats that in English, its a jacket?

  老师:在这个对话中,我们听到双方正在询问,这是什么orange,那是什么jacket?比较近的东西,我们就用 whats this in English 来询问,而比较远的东西,我们就用 whats that in English 来询问。同时我们看到英文中会有一个冠词的出现,如果单词的第一个字母是元音的发音,前面就是 an orange,如果后面是辅音,我们就用 its a jacket。图片上还有哪些东西?比如map,地图,key,钥匙, quilts 被子,hen,钢笔cup,杯子,还有 ruler 尺子。

  老师:Now we are going to listen to a dialogue. If you want to ask how to spell.

  老师:a word 如果想要知道一个单词是怎么拼写的,我们怎么说来听一听。音频。

  学生:activity three c listen to the conversation then practice it with your partner whats this in English。

  学生:its a map spell it please m a。

  老师:p 在这个对话中,我们想要知道 map 这个单词怎么拼,我们就问 spell it please 或者完整的句子是, how do you spell map in English m a p。是 map 的拼写方法。

  老师:Now, in this exercise, in your worksheet, please listen to the dialogue and number the pictures according to the order you hear.


  学生:Activity,three, a listen, and number, the pictures, one to eight, a key.

  学生:A map, a pen, a quilt, a ruler. An orange.

  学生:A jacket、 a cup.

  老师:好,标了 1- 8。以后我们来听一听这些单词都是如何拼写的。

  学生:Activity 3, b, listen and complete the words under the pictures in 3. A.

  学生:A key, K, E, y, a key, a map. M, a, p, a map, a pen. P, E, N, a pen, a quilt. You, you, I, l, t, are quilt, a ruler. R, u, l, e, r, a ruler. An, orange. Oh, are a and G, E, an orange? A jacket. J, a C, K, E, t, a jacket. A cup. See, U, P.

  老师:A cup. Now let's hear how these 10 letters are red.

  老师:我们来听听这 10 个字母的准确发音,请你注意跟读,同时在你的任务单上完成书写。

  学生:Activity 2, a, listen and repeat.

  学生:I, J, k, l, m, and, oh, p, q.

  老师:R. Okay, so now that we know all these letters, let's see what we can do with them. First, please listen and number the letters you hear according to the order you hear them.

  老师:请根据你所听到的顺序把这 10 个字母标出来,请注意,它们都是小写字母。

  学生:act。 Activity to be listen and number the letters. You hear one. To ten.


  老师:2、 did you get them right?

  老师:你写对了吗?接下来我们来看一看字母的书写。每一个大写字母所对应的小写字母是什么字母? m 小写是这样, k 给出了小写,它的大写要充满上面两个格, p 的小写在下面两个格中,并且带了个小尾巴r。大写的 r 和 p 很像,只是多一个斜道j。小写的 j 形状和大写的差不多,出来一个起笔加一个点儿 q sells is a q 像一个酒一样,但是多一个尾巴。大写的 l 就是数折o。大小写是一样的,只不过小写占据了中间这个格儿。 n 的话,大写和大写的 m 很像,但是少最后一笔字母i。我们给它一个起笔加一个点儿。请在你的任务单上完成。

  老师:Now we have all these letters and.

  老师:how we read


《3 字母I-R的正确书写以及相关音标》.doc
