七年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

4 字母S-Z的正确书写以及相关音标


  老师:Welcome to class. I'm Du Chen Ying. In this lesson, we are going to learn the letters s to Z. Our learning objectives are, by the end of this lesson, you will be able to talk about colors in English, Yong, even Tang, yanzi, and to write the letters s.

  老师:to z correctly 正确书写英文字母 s 到 z 的大小写。

  老师:And also to read the letters as to Z correctly and to know what the letter U is pronounced, the long and short.

  老师:vowels 我们会知道字母 u 的长短,元音的发音。

  老师:here is a picture of a Rainbow。

  老师:这是一张彩虹的图片。彩虹上面都有哪些颜色? you can see the colors, red orange,yellow,green, blue and purple 红色,橙色,黄色绿色蓝色和紫色。

  老师:Let's hear a dialogue about kids.

  老师:talking about colors 让我们来听一段有关颜色的对话。

  学生:Starter Unit 3, what color is it? Activity 1B, listen and repeat.

  学生:What's this? It's v. What color is it? It's red. What's that? It's the. What color is it? It's black.

  老师:在这段对话中,还有询问这个字母是什么字母,通过 whats this, its the whats that its z 来问和答。那同时他也在问这些字母都是什么颜色的。我们通过这个句型 what color is it?来询问颜色,那么颜色的词直接用来回答 its red its black 就可以了。

  老师:and we also see other colors for example whats this its x what color is it, its purple whats this its why what color is it its green, now on your worksheet you will see these three pictures, please listen and colour them。


  学生:Activity, three a listen and color the things whats this in English, its a key what color is it.

  学生:Its yellow. Whats that its a ruler.

  学生:What color is it its blue. Whats this its a cup what color is it.

  学生:Its red.

  老师:这里我们听到 the key is yellow。钥匙是黄色的。

  老师:The ruler is blue. Shizi. The cup is red. Beijing. On your worksheet, please listen and spell the words you hear.

  学生:Activity 3 b. Listen again. Complete the sentences. What's this in English? It's a key. What color is it?

  学生:It's yellow. What's that? It's a ruler.

  学生:What color is it? It's blue. What's this? It's. How come? What color is it?

  学生:It's red.


  老师:the key is yellow。

  老师:钥匙是黄色的 y e l l o w YELLOW the Ruler is blue。尺子是蓝色的 b l u e BLUE the cup is red。杯子是红色的 r e d RED。你写对了吗?

  老师:now listen to another speech and complete the chart with things and colors。


  学生:Activity, three c listen and complete the chart.

  学生:Good morning Alice hi Bob, how are you im fine. thanks whats this in English?Alice, its a jacket spell it please j a C k e t what color is it its brown? whats that an English Bob its a quilt spell it please q u i l t what color is it its purple? and whats this in English its a pen p e n what color is it its green?

  老师:你都写对了吗? jacket 夹克是棕色的 jacket is brown quilt 被子是紫色的 purple 钢笔 pen 是绿色的。green。 Now let's learn the remaining letters.

  老师:s to z 我们还剩下 8 个字母没有学,分别是 s 到z。请跟着音频朗读出来。

  学生:Activity to a listen and repeat S.




《4 字母S-Z的正确书写以及相关音标》.doc
