七年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

11 七年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section C


  老师:Hi, everyone. How are you today? Hope you're fine. 一去二三里,烟村四五家,亭台六七座,八九十枝花。大家一定很熟悉这首古诗,在中文里,复数用数词、二、三、四等来表示,那么英文名词是怎么表示复数的?具体来说表现形式是什么呢?

  老师:Now let's look at some pictures.

  老师:看图片, a book two books。 A ruler. Four rulers. Any razor, three erasers. An orange. Five oranges. A bus. Six buses. box seven boxes,大家是不是已经发现规律了?没错,英文中表示复数的方法就是在单词的末尾加s。同时我们也会注意到几个特殊的地方,比如说 bus 和box,末尾都是加1S,读作 buses boxes, bus buses, box boxes。那么名词变为复数时,什么情况加s?什么情况加ES?下面让我们来详细了解一下。

  老师:绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式是在该词末尾加上后缀s,例如,friend,FRIENDS,cat,cats, name names, rulers map maps desk desks。当可数名词以s,x,c,h,s, h 结尾时,我们要在该词末尾加上后缀e, s 构成复数 bus buses class classes box boxes。

  老师:Fox. Fox says watch what? Chase. Flash, flash chase. Okay, now let's look at the pictures. I will ask some questions about the things in the picture. Can you answer them? What's this? its a book what are these they are books whats that its a ruler what are those, they are rulers whats this its any razor what are they? Is they are erasers. What's that? It's an orange. What are those? They are oranges. What's this? It's a bus. What are these? they are buses whats that its a box? what are those they are boxes?

  老师:了解了名词单复数的一些问题,我们现在就去教室里看看 Michael 和老师在说什么。

  老师:Now let's go to the classroom and see what Michael and the teacher are doing. And guess what they're talking about? Look at the pictures and read the conversations. Try to number the pictures.

  老师:试着看 one a 的图片和文字来排列它们的顺序。

  老师:Do you get it? Now let's watch the flash.

  学生:Hi, Miss Wang. What are these? They are books. Are they English books? Yes, they are. Are those English books, too? No, they are maps. What are those? They are rulers and pencils. Let me help you. you thank you。

  老师:上节课我们学了如果询问的对象是单数时,我们用 whats this or whats that 回答用its。如果询问的对象是复数,我们则用 what are these or what are those 回答用 they are。想知道它们是不是某样东西,我们就要问 are they 也可以问 are these,回答都是 yes they are 或者 no they arent now lets do a situation practice。

  学生:what are these, they are cars thank you thats okay, are they eggs yes they are thank you youre welcome。

  老师:now, lets review picture two and picture three in one a what are they talking?


  学生:are those English books too no they are maps what are those? They are rulers and pencils.

  老师:Are those English books too.

  老师:那些也是英语书吗? those 那些 what are those 在问那些是什么。

  老师:Let's do a situation practice.

  学生:What are those? They are books. Thanks. You're welcome. Are those oranges? No, they aren't. What are they? They are apples. Thanks. okay。

  老师:第四幅图上的 let me help you 表示让我来帮你。对别人的善意帮助我们要表示感谢。如果我们要回应别人的感谢, how to say it youre welcome 或者 thats okay 看到单词能找出正确读音,并能根据读音写出单词,都是学英语时具备的重要能力。根据以下读音,你能写出它们的词汇吗?

  老师:name big sad, seven nine,ten, five desk, map pan。


  老师:Now read the fo


《11 七年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section C》.doc
