七年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

10 七年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B


  老师:hello, everyone how are you today i hope everyone is fine。

  老师:今天上课,老师给同学们带来了一些物品,你知道他们用英语怎么表达吗?这是钢笔,用英语怎么说? pan p e n pan 这个 pencil p e n c i l PENCIL eraser e r a s, e r ERASER。

  老师:map m a p map, toy t o y toy, whats this in English? its a palm, whats this in English? its a pencil? whats this in English? its any reason? whats this in English? its a map okay?

  老师:不知道的物品我们可以向周围的人请教,下面我们去听听王军峰是怎么向 Jane 询问一些物品名称的。

  学生:excuse me whats this in English? its an eraser how do you spell it e r a s e r eraser thank you。 That's okay. What's that in English, Jane? It's a map. Can you spell it, please? Yes, m, a P map. Thanks. You're welcome.

  老师:Okay, now let's look at some.

  老师:language points in the dialogue 我们来看一下这段对话的语言点。

  学生:excuse me whats this in English? Its an eraser.

  老师:Whats this in English.

  老师:前面我们已经了解了,就是这个东西用英语怎么说?常常回答说, its a or its am in English 的意思是用英语。另外,不定冠词有 a 和 an 两种形式,用在以辅音开头的词前。 an 用在以元音开头的词前。 a pen,一支钢笔 a pencil 一支铅笔 a map 一张地图 a desk,一张桌子 an eraser 一块橡皮 an apple,一个苹果。有时候我们会遇到一些生词,不知道怎么拼写,我们该怎么询问别人呢?

  学生:how do you spell it e r a s e r eraser thank you thats okay。

  老师:问某个词怎么拼写?我们一般说 how do you spell it。在拼写单词时要用大写字母,而且字母间要用连字符。让我们再来看看王军峰是怎么请教同学的。

  学生:whats that in English Jane its a map can you spell it please yes m AP thanks youre welcome。

  老师:与前段对话相比,后面的对话中用词略有不同。 whats this in English 意为这用英语怎么说,侧重问身边较近的东西。而 whats that in English 意为那用英语怎么说,侧重问较远一些的东西。它们的答语是一样的,都都用 its a or its am, how do you spell it?询问怎样拼写,回答是直接拼写单词 r can you spell it。重在询问能不能拼写出应该先回答 yes 或no。如果能回答再拼写出单词。如果不会,可以说 no i cant 表示不会。

  老师:how do you spell it e r a s e r eraser can you spell it? yes m a p map no i cant。

  老师:我们在得到帮助之后,一定要感谢那些帮助了我们的人。表示感谢,我们可以用 thank you 或thanks。那么该怎么回应?

  老师:thats okay youre welcome。

  老师:不客气,不用谢 youre welcome 是比较正式的回答。 are thats okay。比较口语化,不很正式。

  老师:Okay, now let's have a situation practice. Excuse me, Michael. What is this in.

  学生:English? It's a pin. How do you spell it? P, E, N, pin. Thank you. You are welcome. What does in English, Jane? It's an apple. Can you spell it, please? Yes. AP. p l e apple thanks thats okay。


  学生:one excuse me whats this in English? it a pencil how do you spell it p e n c, i l pencil thank you youre welcome, two excuse me whats that in English? its an apple can you spell it please yes a p p l e,apple, thanks thats okay。


  老师:It's time for our pair work. Please make up a new conversation with the following word.

  学生:Excuse me, what's this in English? It's a desk. How do you spell it? D E S K desk thank you thats okay。


  老师:Let's watch another flash.

  学生:Is this a telephone? No, it isn't. It's a toy. Is that a toy, too? No, it's an eraser.


《10 七年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B》.doc
