七年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

13 七年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A


  老师:Hi, everyone. How are you? I hope everyone is fine. Now turn to page 27. Look at the picture in 1A. What are the two students doing?

  老师:大家翻开书到 27 页,猜猜图上的两个学生在谈论什么呢?

  老师:Are they talking about personal information? I don't think so. Are they talking about a person?

  老师:maybe 他们在谈论个人信息吗?不像。那到底在谈什么呢?

  老师:Now lets check our guess listen to one a and write t or f.

  学生:Who am i can you guess. Yes are you Michael no im not i have a small nose, but he has a big one, do you have big eyes yes, i do oh i know you are kang yes youre right.

  老师:Okay lets review what we see in the flash guess, G U E S.


  老师:我们可以仿照例句,用我们学过的词造出不同的句子。根据刚才的对话,我们知道 Kang 有一个小鼻子, Michael 有个大鼻子。康康是这么说的。

  老师:I have a small nose, but he has a big one.

  老师:have,译为有当主语,是第一人称、第二人称或复数时用have。当主语为第三人称单数时用 has 如。

  老师:I have a bag. They have 4 pencils. She has a neck, he has a map. Let's have a practice with have or has.

  老师:请大家选择 have 或 has 填入横线,注意不同的人称代词。

  老师:i have a Pen, jam has a cat, we have two apples, Lily and Lucy have three books, he has a pencil, you have a knowledge。

  老师:填空练习中除了人称代词外,还出现了人名,这时我们都把它或它们视为第三人称,单数或复数相当于he, she it 或they。下面让我们回顾一下对话的前半段。

  学生:who am i can you guess? yes are you Michael, no im not i have a small,nose, but he has a big one。

  老师:small 和 big 是一对反义词, small 表示小的, big 表示大的Kang。 Kang 和 Michael 正好相反,所以两个句子用 but 连接 but 的意思是但是表示转折。那么康康是怎么被认出来的?原来是因为他有一双大眼睛, eye 后面要加上 s eyes 表示两只眼睛。

  老师:Lets wash the Flash again.

  学生:Do you have big eyes. Yes i do oh i know you are kang yes youre right.

  老师:Yes youre right.你说的没错, right 意为正确的,其反义词是 wrong 错误的。

  老师:Okay, let's watch the flash again.

  学生:Who am I? Can you guess? Yes. Are you Michael? No, I'm not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one. Do you have big eyes? Yes, I do. Oh, I know you're kangkang. Yes, you're right.

  老师:Okay, now look at a picture of a student. Listen to the words and.

  老师:catch them with the picture 现在请大家看这个学生的头像,你能把听到的词和他的头部器官联系起来吗?Here,face.


  老师:Look at the picture can you describe the student with a half or has.


  老师:I have a big nose, but he has a small nose. I have small eyes, but he has big eyes. I have big ears, but he has small ears. I have a small mouth, but he has a big mouth. I have a short neck, but he has a long neck.

  老师:好的,大家是不是准确的说出了各个部位的名称,很快你就会派上用场了。今天小丽拿着英国小笔友 Tom 写给自己相貌特征的信到机场接他,他怕自己找不到,还特意请你陪他一同前往。你们能成功的找到远道而来的朋友吗?下面是信中小笔友 Tom 的相貌特征,当然,你们最后成功地接到了小丽的笔友,大家别提有多高兴了。

  老师:Next, we have lots of pictures of people and an elephant. Listen and complete the sentences and read them aloud.

  学生:I have a big nose. We have small eyes. They have round faces. She has long hair. He has a wide mouth. It has big ears. 1. I have a big nose. 2. We have small eyes. 3. They have round faces. 4. She has long hair. 5.


《13 七年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A》.doc
