四年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

4 Lesson 2 What's on the desk?(1)


  老师:hello, boys and girls welcome to English class i am Kelly today were going to learn listen to whats on the desk。

  老师:同学们,今天我们将开启新的单元, B2 单元第一课时桌子上有什么?让我们一起来看今天的学习重点。同学们,在本课时,我们的主要学习板块为 lets talk。学习内容,主要学习句型, whats on the bed a box, whats in it guess。核心素养的能力方面一、语言能力要求我们在语境中理解单词和句型的含义。文化意识方面,感受英语歌谣的音韵节奏。思维品质方面,根据图片和语篇预测盒子里有什么,书包里有什么。学习能力,乐于参与课堂活动,遇到问题大胆的向老师求助。

  老师:Alright, boys and girls, let's get started. 1St, let's chat together. What's this? It's a bear. What's that? It's a chair. Where is the bear? It's on the chair. What's this? It's a bear. What's that? It's a chair. Where is the bear? It's on the chair. Hey, guys, where is the bear? Yes, it's on the chair. Look who? what are they are 琪琪 and 露。

  老师:Today, we are going to learn a new.

  老师:大了, about 七七 and 露露。

  老师:Look, they are very happy. What will happen, boys and girls, look at the picture. Where are they? They are at home. I have a question. Whose home is it? You say it's Lulu's home. How do you know that? Because the bad sheet is pink and the pillar is pink, too. Most girls like pink, right?


  老师:you are so smart boys and goes look here what does?

  老师:七七 say lets listen and repeat。

  学生:whats on the desk。

  老师:some cups lets repeat whats on the desk some cups? Look at this word desk what does it mean look at the picture its a desk guys, please touch your desk good whats on the desk some cups look at this word up, cup look its a cup, they are cups they are cups whats on the desk some cups how many cups here lets move on look, there are three cuffs guys look at this picture what are they pointing to lets listen and repeat.

  学生:Whats on the bed.

  老师:A box.七七 says whats on the bed a box this is a box whats in the box?

  老师:cheese says whats in it Lulu says guess look at this word guess what does it mean? look at this picture what animal is it guess the cades picture what animal is it guess? do you know the meaning?yes。猜一猜的意思 you are right guys now look at this picture whats qiqis answer?

  老师:lets listen and repeat oclock no。 No adult? No. Qiqi says, a clock. Look at this picture. It's a clock. So is it a clock in the box? No. A doll? No. What's in the box? Can you guess? Let's move on, boys and girls. Look at this picture. What's in the box? Let's listen and repeat.

  学生:Sorry, I can't guess.

  老师:Look, it's you. Kitty says, sorry, I can't guess. Lulu says look its you so whats in the box its a toy cheese right。 That toy kitty is very cute. It's so funny. So they are very happy. Now, guys, let's watch a video and answer my questions. Please watch carefully. What's on the desk? Some cups.

  学生:What's on the bed? A box. What's in it? Yes, a clock?

  老师:No, a doll? No.

  学生:Sorry, I can't guess. Look.

  老师:It's you. Hey guys, now look at my questions. Read and


《4 Lesson 2 What's on the desk?(1)》.doc
