选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 译林版

2 Reading_第1课时


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to my class. As we know, in our daily life, we rely on news to learn about what is happening in the world around us. Can you share with me where you can get news?

  老师:Well, we can get news from various sources. For example, we can read newspapers, watch TV and listen to a radio. These are traditional ways. And now we can often turn to the internet and our mobile phones for news. The smartphones are so powerful that we can read or watch news from different apps. Can you tell me what apps you rely on to get news? Well, here are so many choices.

  老师:Now take a look at the news. Do you believe it is true, since students have different ideas, this class, let's explore how to judge and evaluate news and how to be a critical news reader.

  老师:Please focus on the two news reports. What do you think the news reports are about? According to the headline and the picture of each one, we can see that the first one is about how firefighters put out the fire, while the second one focuses on the severity of the fire. The picture in each report is a close up shot that draws attention to the focus of each news. Well. Please go through the article. After the news reports, think about what is the purpose of the article.

  老师:It tells us repose on the same event, contain different or even contradictory information, and it analyzes the rhythms for the differences. Its purpose is to remind us to read news reports critically. Now let's focus on the two reports. Before that, we should have a knowledge of news writing. The inverted pyramid is a structure commonly used for news writing. It simply means that the heaviest or most important information should be at the top, that is, the beginning of your story, and the least important information should go at the bottom. And as you move from top to bottom, the information presented should gradually become less important. Such a structure make sense for the facts to be arranged from most to least important, and allows information to be found quickly in specific sections.

  老师:Here the body of news is divided into three parts.

  老师:So late it's clear that the list sentence presents the most important information and detailed information about the event. Well, the last part, background or supporting information. Now you are supposed to fill in the blanks making out which part the sentences belong to.

  老师:Well, let's focus on the first news report. The first sentence is the least sentence and sentences 2 to 6 are the detailed information about the event. And the last sentence is a background of supporting information. What about the second one? A little different, right?

  老师:Well, the first sentence is also the late sentence, but the detailed information is from sentence 2 to sentence five. And the


《2 Reading_第1课时》.doc
