选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 外研社版

16 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries(4)


  老师:hello everyone im yu Yan from Liang Xiang high school affiliated to Beijing normal university welcome to my。 Class. In today's lesson, we will go on learning Unit 4 and focus on writing, learning how to write a speech.

  老师:1St. Please be clear about your learning objectives. After this class, you will be able to get the main idea and the specific information. information of the speech on Edgar snow。 Acquire the structure, content and useful expressions of a speech. Write a speech, improve your own writing, and finally, give your speech to the class.

  老师:First, please look at the picture here. Do you know him? Yes, he is Edgar Snow. Let me introduce some basic information to you. Edgar Snow was an American journalist and author, and he has made great contributions to China. now lets learn a speech to know more。 About his qualities and his contribution to China. here comes your first task please read the speech on Edgar snow and answer the following questions。


  老师:To one who was at gas. Now, question two, what did he do and what boundaries did he break? Let's read it. Hello, everyone. Today I'm going to introduce Edward Snow. Edgar Snow was an American journalist who wrote influential books and articles about China in the 1930s. We can see that the underlying part has told us who was at Gosnow, right? Good. Let's go on.

  老师:At a time when relatively little was known about our country in the western world, his 1937 book, red star over China, broke ideological boundaries by telling the stories of the Chinese communist movement from the inside. Here, boundary is a noun. It's a real or imagined line that marks the limit or edge of something that separates it from other things or places. And ideological boundaries means si, Xiao huozhe. And we can find that the underlying part has told us what boundaries did he break, right? That is, he has broken ideological boundaries. So we can conclude that the first paragraph is a brief introduction to Edgar Snow, including who was him and what boundaries did he break. Okay, so much for the introduction part. Let's continue to paragraph two.

  老师:Although snow was not the only international journalist to set food in China during the early decades of the 20th century, what set him apart from the others was that he actually spent time with the Chinese right army. He listened to their stories and observed their day to their lives, as well as conducting interviews with Mao Zedong and other leaders. We can notice here is a phrase, set him apart from the others. Well, if a characteristic sets you apart from other people, it makes you different from others in a noticeable way. And we can find that the underlying part tells us what he did. Okay, let's move on.

  老师:His biographical accounts and depictions of


《16 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries(4)》.doc
