选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 外研社版

15 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries(3)


  老师:Hello everyone, I'm CAI Sheng Jie from Liang Shanghai School, affiliated at Beijing Normal University. Welcome to today's online lesson. In today's lesson, we will go on learning Unit 4, breaking boundaries and focus on an important speech in developing ideas, the words that changed a nation. By learning this passage, you will be able to get the historical backgrounds and meaning of the cattespec speech. And then you will be able to work out the thematic meaning of the speech. And then you will be able to organize and deliver a speech.

  老师:Before we start learning today's lesson, let us read the title of the passage and predict its meaning. All right, I think you have your own idea. The title means that the word set by the president of the US, though no more than 300 words, had given people hope, belief, and by doing this, the country once divided had a promising future to be a united one.

  老师:Now, let us watch a video and I have two questions for you. The first one is, how did Slave's owners regard their the slaves? The second one is, what was a slave's life like? Now, let us watch the video and answer these two questions.

  学生:The face of slavery. From the 16th to the 19th century, millions of Africans were transported across the Atlantic to provide cheap labor for Europe's colonies. In the Americas, slaves endured long journeys in terrible conditions on slave ships. After they arrived, they were sold to new owners, but their conditions did not improve.

  学生:Daily life for a slave involved backbreaking labor. Slaves on cotton plantations worked from first light until nightfall. They were allowed only enough rest as was needed to keep them alive and able to work. Some slaves were allowed to have families, but that was only because their children would become slaves as well. Slaves were often physically abused by their owners, but with no legal rights, they were unable to protest against such bad treatment. Slave owners could punish their slaves however they wished.

  学生:When Uncle Tom's Cabin, a now famous novel about the life of an old slave, was published in 1852, it was still illegal for anyone in the United States to help a runaway slave. The novel aimed to attack the law and to convince the reader of the evils of slavery. Indeed it helped make slavery less popular by revealing the miserable lives of slaves.

  老师:Alright, according to the video, how the slave owners regard their slaves. They didn't regard them as humans but as animals without respecting them. The second question, what was a slave's life like? Their life is that the daily life or a slave involved back breaking labor. Slaves had to work all day long without enough rest. They were often physically abused for their owners and had no legal rights.

  老师:Now let us move on to t


《15 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries(3)》.doc
