必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

17 Unit 4 Friends forever(2)


  老师:hello, everyone my name is 梁梦娇 from lianxiang high school of the eighty two。

  老师:Beijing Normal University. Welcome to the online class. Today we are going to learn Book 1, Unit 4, Friends Forever, the second period. Please turn to page 41. This is the first class of Lesson 2 using language attributive classes. The first period, it's learning objectives. At the end of the class, you will be able to first sum up the usage of that which, who or whose in attributive classes through discovering, analyzing and comparing. Second, try to use attributive clause in real situation. 3Rd, introduce your best friend to class by using at least three attributive classes. Leading now, please read the reading, click for friend, and finish the following tasks. 1St, find out all the attributed clauses. 2Nd, share these attributive clauses with your partner. There are six attributive clauses in this passage. Have you found of them? Please share these attributive classes with your partner and tell the difference of these sentences and try to find usage of attributive classes. Okay, now let's come to the activity 1. Please find out the difference on page 41. Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. A, we can stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. 1St, what does that refer to in sentence a? That refers to the people. B, the digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests. 2Nd, what does who refer to in sentence B? Who refers to people. Third, what's the difference between the two groups of sentences? A, we can stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. See, we can stay in touch with people we want to remain friends with them. B, the digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests. D, the digital age also enables us to find people. These people she. here our interests sentences a and b both contain a。

  老师:Clause, defining a noun in each sentence. Sentence C and d are each constructed with a pair of simple sentences, with one defining a noun that appears in the other sentence in each peer force. Why does the author choose to use sentences a and B in the reading passage? A, we can stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. B, the digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests.

  老师:因为在 a 和 b 句中, people 和从句之间有更紧密的联系,这也使得文章更加清晰,并且对被定义的人或事起到了强调的效果。

  老师:fifth what are the words are used to introduce attributive classes what do they refer to,include, which whom and whose?


  老师:for example first i like the cake which you boat yesterday。

  老师:我喜欢吃你昨天买的蛋糕。在这个句子中,我们可以发现,先行词是cake, which 是关系词, you both yesterday 是定语从句。

  老师:second shes a girl whom i mess as a party。



《17 Unit 4 Friends forever(2)》.doc
