必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

18 Unit 4 Friends forever(3)


  老师:Hello, everyone. Today we will work on Book 1, Unit 4, France, Forever listening and speaking. And the title is Helping Our Friends. Here are our learning objectives. At the end of the class, you will be able to, number one, get the main idea of the conversation and number the events in crack order.

  老师:Number two, note down suggestions and comments made by Andy and Clara. Number three, talk about how Andy and Clara give suggestions. Number four, act out the conversation to solve a problem between friends. Number five, have a similar conversation about solving a problem between you and your friends. Do you know where the word friend comes from? Have you ever thought that good friends are often genetically similar? Now, please open your books, turn to page 43. Let's read a short paragraph about it. The word friend comes from the Old English word freant, meaning the loud one. According to a study from Yale University and the university of California at San Diego in 2014, good friends are often genetically similar. In fact, good friends can share up to 1% of the same genes, as much as we might share with our great grandparents.

  老师:It's amazing, right? Everyone has his or her own friends. When our friends meet problems, we'll try our best to help them. Have you ever met a problem that came up between you and your friends? Give an example then.

  老师:What did you do when that happened? Now please read the 6 sentences of activity seven. Try to number the events in correct order and predict what happened among these friends. Andy and Clara thought about postponing their trip. Might broke his life. Andy and Clara agreed on a plan. Might called Clara, Andy, Clara and might decided to go to London. Andy and Clara made a cardboard version of might. Later this period, we will listen to the conversation. Please check whether your prediction is right.

  学生:Hello. Hi, Andy. This is Clara. Matt just called me. He said he broke his leg and couldn't make our trip to London this week.

  学生:What a shame. He's been looking forward to it for ages. Why don't we wait until he's better?

  学生:He said we should go without him. It will take quite a while for him to get well again. He doesn't want us to give up our holiday because of him.

  学生:But Matt is our friend. He needs our comfort and support. Let's think about ways to cheer him up.

  学生:You're right. We could send him photos of the places we visit.

  学生:We could, but that might make him feel even worse. I want to make him laugh.

  学生:How about sending him funny postcards from every place we.

  学生:Visit? Maybe, but postcards can take days to arrive. How about having a video chat with him wherever we go? That way he can see everything too.

  学生:That's a good idea. But you aren't allowed to take videos in some place


《18 Unit 4 Friends forever(3)》.doc
