必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

7 Unit 2 Exploring English(2)


  老师:Hello everyone, I am Dongyan from Liangxiang High School. Welcome to this lesson. Today we are going to learn Unit 2, exploring English using language. Today we will focus on what? Formation. First, let's share the learning objectives of this lesson. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to have a general review and better understanding of the four types of the work. Formation by finding and exploring, guess the meaning of the new words and make new words according to the context and the basic rules of word formation. Overcome the difficulties of vocabulary in the process of learning and understanding English by using proper measures and different sources.

  老师:To start with, let's review the passage, neither pan nor apple in pineapple. And finish the summary of the passage. In the passage. English is an interesting and crazy language to learn.

  老师:Why? Now, please go over this summary of the text and feeling blanks. Pay attention to the word first, second, third, and because they will help you a lot to finish the task.

  老师:Now, here we go. The time is up. Let's focus on the possible answers. Why is English an interesting and crazy language to learn? There are several reasons for it. 1St, the formation and the meanings of some words are crazy, such as pineapple and homesick. 2Nd, some words like harmful, harmless, and shameful, shameless, may make learners confused. 3Rd, the meanings of some phrases are also confusing. That's because English was invented by people which reflects their creativity.

  老师:From what we have Learned, the formation and the meanings of the words are related. Now observe these words. Pineapple, homesick, harmful, harmless, shameful and shameless. They are formed from other words or parts. What do we call this phenomenon? Yes, the word formation. Do you have any idea of the types of what formation? Let's recall it together. Generally, there are four types. The first, combining words or we can call it compounds. He, Cheng, Fa. Here we have a familiar example, blackboards. It is made up of two words, black and bored.

  老师:The second type, adding a prefix or suffix, or we can call it derivation. For example, incorrect in is a prefix, useful ful is a suffix. The third type, changing the part of speech. For example, face can be used as a noun and a verb. The first type being made up of the first letters of several words.

  老师:For example, we can say PRC to stand for the People's Republic of China. After a general summary of the war formation, let's do activity 1 on page seventeen. Look at the sentences and expressions from the reading passage. Match the words in bold to the types of word formation.

  老师:Now let's check the answers. Which one belongs to abbreviation? Yes, d. Who? O. How about the second one? Changing t


《7 Unit 2 Exploring English(2)》.doc
