必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

6 Unit 2 Exploring English(1)


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to my class. Today we are going to learn Book 1. You need to exploring English. This is the first class of Uni 2, understanding ideas. We are going to read a passage. The title is neither pan nor apple in pineapple.

  老师:I hope at the end of the class you will be able to, number one, get the main idea of the passage. Number two, find out the supportive examples. Number three, retell the passage using the information map. And No. 4, share your understanding of English and English study.

  老师:Now please open your books and 10 to page 14 and fifteen. Look at the title and the pictures. Can you predict what the passage is about? There are some choices for you. Food, cooking, worse, plants and fruit. Now, please discuss it with your partner. You may have different ideas.

  老师:Now please read the passage quickly and check your prediction. You have five minutes. Time's up. Let's check the answer. The passage is about worse. Is your prediction right? Yes. Great. Congratulations.

  老师:In the passage, we can see there are lots of examples about English words. Let's see what the examples are and why the author gave so many examples. Please read the passage carefully and complete the notes in successful on page 16 with the words from the passage. I will give you 10 minutes. Have you finished? Now let's check the answers. In order to support his idea, the author uses many examples that show the unique madness of English. What does the word unique mean? Yes, it means very special, very unusual. Why does they also think English has unique madness?

  老师:Let's see the examples. There is no egg in eggplant, no ham in hamburger, neither pan nor apple in pineapple. Can you give me some similar expressions like this in Chinese? yes, there is no。

  老师:鱼饮鱼香肉丝。 there is no 老婆饮老婆饼 either very interesting right next we can scrupt a sculpture。

  老师:Paint a painting, but we can only take a photo. You see, the first two phrases are the same in structure, but the third one doesn't. Let's go on. Seaside means seek at a sea. Air, sick means sick in the air.

  老师:car sick means sick in a car。 But we don't get homesick when we get back home. What does the word homesick mean? Yes, it means missing home. Next, hard is the opposite of soft, but hardly and softly are not. an opposing pair。 The word hard means in Chinese. Well solved, Miss Ruan. So they are the opposite. What does the word hardly mean? Yes, it means xihubu. It has nothing to do with the word hard in meaning. So hardly and softly are not an opposing pair.

  老师:From these examples, we can find sometimes there are rules in English word formation and meanings, but sometimes there are no rules. Look at this one. Harmless is the opposite of harmful, but shameful and shameless behaviors are the same


《6 Unit 2 Exploring English(1)》.doc
