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40 Revision Module B(1)


  老师:同学们好,欢迎大家来到北京市中小学空中课堂,我是来自北京市陈经纶中学劲松分校的佟欣荣老师。今天我们将一起来学习外研版英语初三年级上册 revision MODULE b 的第一课时。在今天的课程当中,我们将共同来复习被动语态 the passive voice 和构词法。

  学生:word building now, lets start a lesson。 First, let's play a guessing game. Please guess who the person is. He's a great. teacher and thinker his thoughts have influenced many people they were written in a book。

  老师:called 论语。 Can you guess.

  学生:Who this person is? Yes, he's Confucius. We have Learned about confusions and we know he is a great writer and thinker. But do you know why? Yes, because his works are still read by many people today.


  学生:We are still influenced by Confucius ideas, and I think his books will be read by more people in the future. Do you think so?


  学生:the passive wise。 What is passive wise? Many people still read his works. So we say his works are still read by many people today. Confucius ideas still influence us, so we can say we are still influenced by Confucius ideas.

  老师:在这两句话当中,主语分别都是谓语动词的动作承受者,所以当我们想要强调动作的承受者时,就要使用被动语态来表达。那么下面我们再来观察一下被动语态的谓语动词是什么样子的,非常好,被动语态的谓语动词是 be 动词加动词过去分词的结构。

  学生:Recently, I have read a book called Harry Potter. Do you know it? Yes. It is written by JK Rowling. The stories are liked by people all over the world.

  老师:这些故事被全世界的人们所喜爱。同学们,你能总结一下一般现在时态、被动语态的结构吗?非常好,它就是主语加 m e r 加动词,过去分词加 by 加动作。执行者。

  学生:will know Liu 翔 is a very good player。

  老师:Liu Xiang was chosen。

  学生:for the Chinese team at the essence Olympic Games。


  学生:His races were recorded and he was compared with the world's best sports starts.

  老师:他的比赛被记录下来,并以世界一流运动员的表现进行比较。那么一般过去时态的被动语态又是怎样的结构?非常好,它就是主语加 was war 加动词,过去分词加 by 加动作执行者。

  学生:With the invention of the internet, our life has become more convenient. The photos will be put up on the school website.

  老师:这些照片将会被发布在学校网站上, they are going。

  学生:to be shown in the school magazine。

  老师:他们将会被展示在校刊当中。那么一般将来时态的被动语态结构又是什么样子的?我们一起来看一下。它的结构就是主语加 will be 或者 am is are going to be。加动词,过去分词加拜加动作执行者。

  学生:Now let's talk about the passive wise with model verbs. Clothes bags can be used many times. A recycling policy should be developed for the.

  老师:Whole community. 题,回收计划应该为整个社区所制定,那么含有情态动词的被动语态结构又是什么样子的?我们一起来看一下。主语加情态动词加 b 加动词过去分词加 by 加动作执行者。通过刚刚的复习,同学们有没有发现被动语态最基本的结构是什么呢?非常棒,是 be 动词加动词过去分词。但是在这里要注意, be 动词的形式要根据时态的变化进行转变。在一般现在时当中, be 动词要变成。

  学生:m, is or are。


  学生:was or were。

  老师:而在一般将来时当中, be 动词就要变成 will be 或者 am is are going to be。那如果含有情态动词对了,它应该变成形态动词 model verb 加 be 动词的原型。

  学生:after reviewing so much lets do the exercise please look at activity one look at this picture and describe what has happened from this picture? We can see a car accident has happened please look at this woman.

  老师:She is a driver what has h


《40 Revision Module B(1)》.doc
