九年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

38 M12 Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved


  老师:同学们大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是北京中学的万静老师,很高兴和大家见面。今天我们一起学习的内容是外研版初三年级上册 MODULE twelve unit one 的内容,标题是 if everyone starts to do。

  老师:Something the world will be saved. Now, let's look at the pictures and talk about them. You can use the words in the box to help you.

  老师:factory 名词工厂 pollute 动词污染 recycle 动词回收利用 waste 名词废弃物 now please read after me factory pollute。

  老师:Recycle, recycle. Waste, waste. What's happening in the pictures? Picture 1 looks like a factory that is responsible for producing products or electricity. The factory pollutes the environment and the area nearby. Picture 2 appears to be a recycling center. The waste is being divided into different groups by a machine. These two pictures are shown in Mister Jackson's class. Now we'll listen to a conversation between Mister Jackson and his four students. Tom? me 大 Ming linling and Betty they are talking about this。 Two pictures. Please listen and complete the sentences.

  学生:Can anyone tell me what you can see? In the first photo?

  学生:There's a factory and it's causing a lot of pollution.


  学生:So what can we do about it? Well, there should be some rules to stop the pollution. What about the second photo?

  学生:It's a recycling center. Waste products such as glass and paper can be recycled there.

  学生:Good. Why do we need to do that?

  学生:To save energy, I guess. Great.

  老师:Now let's check the answers. 1, the factory is causing a lot of pollution.

  老师:pollution,名词污染 pollution 是在动词 pollute 基础上去 e 加i, o n,构成了 pollute 的名词形式。这种构词法叫做派生法,即在词根的前面加前缀或在词根的后面加后缀来构词的方法。

  老师:What's the meaning of causing a lot of pollution? In the picture you can see the smokes from the factory and the smoke is causing a lot of pollution. Causing a lot of pollution. Xiaocheng.

  老师:2. There should be some rules to stop the pollution. 3. We can recycle waste products such as glass and paper. In the recycling center, the students find some pollution problems and also they think about something that they can do to solve the problem. In Mr Jackson's lesson, now let's listen to another conversation. In this conversation, the four students continue talking after class. Please listen and answer the question. What are the 4 students talking about?

  学生:After our lesson on the environment? I'm worried about the future. Pollution is our great enemy and we have to fight it. If the rivers are polluted, farmers can't use the water for their crops.

  学生:And in some places, pollution from factories spreads over cities and villages. It makes people ill and may even kill them. Pollution is a danger to our health.

  学生:And there are so many cars on the roads, they use so much oil and cause pollution as well. But we're only students. We can't do anything about factories and cause. It's no use talking about things we c


《38 M12 Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved》.doc
