八年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 下册

31 M10 Unit 3 Language in use_第1课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市西城外国语学校的丁思佳老师,很高兴和大家见面。今天我们要一起学习的是外研版初二英语下第十模块第三单元的内容。这一模块的主题是 on the radio。今天我们要一起学习的是 unit three language in use。第一讲语法知识部分。下面让我们一起进入今天的课堂学习。

  老师:before our class lets review some sentences from unit one and two it means we are on air。

  老师:这意味着我们正在播出 i hope that you can join us one day。我希望有一天你能加入到我们中来。

  老师:weve just heard that Germany has won the football match。


  老师:just tell me what you had for breakfast?


  老师:lets focus on the underlined parts。

  老师:同学们请关注句子中画横线的部分,他们有主谓宾或主系表。完整的句子结构,又在全句中作宾语成分。我们称这样的句子为宾语从句。在第8模块和第9模块,我们学习了 that 引导的宾语从句、wider, if 以及特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。下面我们来看一些句子进行复习,体会不同的引导词所表达的不同含义和在句子中的作用。

  老师:Read the sentences and find object clauses. I know that she has finished her work. I don't know if she has finished her work.


  老师:i dont know whether she has finished her work or not。


  老师:i want to know when she finished her work。

  老师:我想知道她什么时候完成的作业。由此可见, that 在句子中没有任何词汇意义,只具有引导词功能。 weather 和 if 在从句中表达不确定的概念翻译成是否。如果从句后面有 were not 的时候,我们就要选择 whether 构成 whether or not 的结构。另外,根据句子表达内容的需要,我们还可以选择one,where,what, how 或 why 等疑问词作引导词,来体现句子所要表达的意义。下面我们做一些练习,巩固以上语法知识。

  老师:fitting blanks with words in the box。

  老师:用下面方框中的连接词 how who that 完成宾语从句, lets check the answers together。

  老师:The boy didn't know who they were waiting for.


  老师:she says that she wants to be a musician。


  老师:please tell me how i can get to the post office。

  老师:请告诉我去邮局怎么走?用方框中的连接词 whether if where。完成宾语从句 lets check the answers, i dont know if i can see her again。我不知道我是否能够再见到她。

  老师:Can you tell me whether he will come or not?


  老师:do you know where Amy leaves?

  老师:你知道 Amy 住在哪里吗?用方框中的连接词 why what that 完成宾语从句, lets check the answers, he knows that he should work hard。他知道他应该努力工作。

  老师:Tony told me why he was late for school?

  老师:Tony 告诉我为什么他上学迟到了。

  老师:i wondered what the woman was doing。

  老师:我想知道这位女士正在做什么?接下来我们看书上 module ten unity activity。 He, too. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Now, let's look at these words. They are how? if that one who and why?

  老师:同学们看书上第三单元活动 2 的对话,用方框中的词完成对话。

  老师:lets check the answers together Tony says,hello, everyone thanks for waiting now i can tell you who has won the English writing competition its linling tell us how do you feel? Lin Lin says,well, i feel great i was quite surprised when i heard that i was the winner。 Tony says, i dont know why you were surprised, youve always been the best at writing in the school。 Lin says, i dont know about that a lot of other students are good at writing as well, Tony says, but theres only one winner well done Lin whats the price Ling, Ling says its an electronic dictionary Tony says fantastic and if you want to read linlins art


《31 M10 Unit 3 Language in use_第1课时》.doc
