五年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

5 Unit 1 Jobs Lesson 5 Get It Right


  老师:Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Unit 1, lesson 5, get it right. Please get your books and pencils ready. Open your book and turned page twelve.


  老师:Okay, let's begin our class. Before a class, let's sing a song about jobs. Let's sing. She's.

  学生:A doctor, a very good doctor. Doctor. A very good doctor. Yes, she is. He's a vet, a very good vet. Yes, he is. She's a teacher, a very good teacher. Yes, she is. He's an actor, a very good actor. Yes, he is.

  老师:Good job in a song. There is a good doctor, a good teacher, a good weight, and a good actor. They are all good workers. But how do we become a good worker? Please think he over. A good worker is good at.

  学生:Speaking, listening, reading.

  老师:Writing, excellent. These are some basic skills we all need be a good worker. You need quick response, sharp ears, good handwriting and sharp eyes. Can you be a good worker?

  老师:in a future 在未来你会是个优秀的工作者吗?你是否具备以上几种能力? lets take some test from list for aspects 让我们从这几个方面来进行小小的测试。

  老师:The first test, quick response, please name a job according to the pictures as soon as quickly. A doctor. Okay, good. A nurse? Yes. A vet. Right. A teacher. Nice. A farmer. Excellent. A policeman. Perfect. Now let's come to test two. Please listen carefully. Listen.

  学生:And check. 1, what do you do? I'm a doctor. 2, what do you do? I'm a driver. 3, what do you do? I'm a nurse. 4, what do you do? I'm a policeman. 5, what do you do? I'm a vet. 6, what do you do? I'm a farmer.

  老师:Alright, have you got the answer? Let's check your answer one by one.

  学生:1, what do you do? I'm a doctor.

  老师:True, of course. True, yes.

  学生:True. 2, what do you do? I'm a driver.

  老师:4Th. Wonderful.

  学生:3, what do you do? I'm a nurse.

  老师:True or false? 4Th. Excellent. Next one.

  学生:4, what do you do? I'm a policeman.

  学生:It's true. Great. 5, what do you do? I'm a vet. Oh, now I am a teacher.

  老师:Well done.

  学生:6, what do you do? I'm a farmer. It's true.

  老师:Good job. You have sharp ears. Now let's move on to the next part, writing test. Look, what does he do?

  学生:He's a policeman.

  老师:Great. And what does she do?

  学生:She's a nurse.

  老师:Exactly. Now please write down the answer. Here are some tips for you. Please check your answer. Look at this picture. What does he do?

  学生:He's a vet.

  老师:You got the answer. Now write down the answer and then check your answer. The last picture, can you ask a question like I did before?

  学生:What does she do?

  老师:And the answer.

  学生:She is a student. Good job.

  老师:Please check your writing carefully. Good handwriting is important for us. Let's move on. In this test, there are two introductions about two good workers. The first one is about Peter. Let's chant together.



《5 Unit 1 Jobs Lesson 5 Get It Right》.doc
