六年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 下册

12 Unit 4 Part C


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Unit 4, then and now, part scene. Are you ready for today's lesson? Let's get started. In previous two lessons, we have Learned how to talk about the changes of things, places and people. Now let's sing a song together and review what we have Learned. Changes in me.

  学生:Now I am taller than before. Every day I grow bigger. Every day I grow more. Once I was a young boy, younger than I am today. Now I am a big boy, and I'm bigger every day.

  学生:For school, I got a birthday earlier than before. Every day I get up. For me sometimes add more. Once I did and talk a lot. I wasn't an actor boy, but now I talk more than before. I always talk with joy.

  老师:Wow, what a beautiful song. Changes are all around us now. Please look at these 6 pictures carefully. They are showing the different changes. Please listen to the recording and number these pictures. It will be played one time. Number one.

  学生:It was an egg, now it is a hen.

  老师:No. 2, it was.

  学生:Raining, now it is sunny.

  老师:Number three.

  学生:In summer, the tree was green, now the tree is yellow.

  老师:Number four.

  学生:There was a building before, now there is a park.

  老师:Number five.

  学生:The cat was on the chair, now the cat is under the chair.

  老师:Number six.

  学生:Chen Jie was short, now she is 1.5 meters tall.

  老师:Okay, let's check your answers. Are you correct? Great. This time, let's look and say the changes loudly.

  学生:It was an egg, now it is a hen. It was raining, now it is sunny.

  学生:In summer, the tree was green, now the tree is yellow.

  学生:There was a building before, now there is a park.

  学生:The cat was on the chair, now the cat is under the chair.

  学生:Chen Jie was short, now she is 1.5 meters tall.

  老师:You did a great job. Look, our old friends zoom and Zeb are reading a magazine. What's the magazine about? These pictures are from this magazine. Please read these pictures carefully and match them based on your understanding. You can pause the video and finish it in one minute.

  老师:Now let's listen and check your answers.

  学生:Cavemen often ate raw meat. They didn't cook their food. Now there are many things to help you cook. In 2050, there will be house robots. They will cook, clean and wash the dishes.

  老师:Oh, cavemen didn't cook their meat.

  学生:It's okay. They didn't do the dishes either.

  学生:There were many trees and there were many clean rivers. Now there are more and more buildings. We should help the earth now so birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again.

  学生:Look how beautiful the world was. Oh, what will the birds do?

  学生:Don't worry, people will help them.

  学生:Before humans lived on the earth, whales already lived in the sea. Now there are not many whales. If we change now, wh


《12 Unit 4 Part C》.doc
