一年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

11 第1课时 Animals I Know


  老师:hello boys and that girls im Kathy welcome to my English class today we are going to learn unit three animals, lesson one 在这一单元中,同学们将会认识几种动物朋友,学会谈论和介绍自己喜欢的动物,还能了解有关食物链的小知识,并且通过实践活动提升观察力、想象力和创造力。

  老师:本单元的主题是 i love animals,我们将通过 5 个课时学习与动物话题有关的内容。本课是第三单元的第一课时,主题为 animals i know。通过本课的学习,同学们将能听懂会说五种动物的英文名称,还能大胆模仿说唱本课歌谣,并且还能参与有趣的听指令、做游戏的活动。

  老师:Before class, please get your English book ready. Now let's begin our class. First, let's enjoy a chant about animals.

  学生:Cat, what do you see? I see a dog looking at me. Dog, what do you see? I see a bird looking at me. Bird, what do you. you see i see a monkey looking at me monkey what? Do you see? I see a tiger looking at me.

  老师:Boys and girls, what animals do you see in this chat? Please watch it again.

  学生:Cat. What do you see? I see a dog looking at me. Dog. What do you see? I see a bird looking at me. Bird. What do you see? I. See a monkey looking at me monkey what do you see i see a tiger looking at me.

  老师:What animals are there in this chant, please listen cat.

  学生:Cat,dog,dog,bird,bird,monkey,monkey, tiger Tiger.

  老师:We can see these animals in this chant now lets know more about them.

  老师:接下来,让我们一起去认识认识他们。 please look at this picture who is coming listen 喵? what animal? yes a cat please listen and say,cat,cat, cat boys and girls please read after me cat hat good try, i have a cat, please have a look, look this is my cat the cat is white the cat has two small ears to round as and small,nose, i like my cat very much do you like my cat? who is coming listen? Can you guess good a dog, lets listen and say.

  学生:Dog dog.

  老师:Please read after me dog good try look at this dog it has two long ears, two big eyes and a big nose do you like it please look at this picture who is coming. what animal? Great a bird listen and say please.

  学生:Bird bird.

  老师:Please read after me bird great, oh the bird wants to say something to us lets listen.

  学生:Hello im a little bird i have two wings and a tail, i can fly in the sky do you want to fly like me.

  老师:Yes, i do what about you.

  老师:你想像小鸟一样在天空飞翔吗?接下来让我们看一看下一位动物朋友是谁? What animal.

  学生:Amount. He.

  老师:Is she right? Let's listen.

  学生:Hello, everyone. I'm a little monkey. i have two round eyes。 A small nose and a long tail. I like to eat bananas.

  老师:Yummy. Yes, you are right. It's a monkey. Let's listen and say.

  学生:Monkey. Monkey.

  老师:Please read it together. Monkey. Monkey. Super. The last animal is, oh.

  学生:Tiger. Tiger. Tiger.

  老师:Can you read it together? Tiger. Tiger. Now please watch a video about the tiger.

  学生:This is a tiger. Tiger is a big cat. It's taller than a man when it's standing.

  老师:Tiger has four big paths, two big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth. Do you like tigers? No, I don't. I'm scared of tigers because they are very


《11 第1课时 Animals I Know》.doc
