选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 人教版

13 Unit3 Food and Culture Using Language_第1课时


  老师:Hello everyone. Welcome to my English class. Today we are go on talking about food and culture. In this class, you will first describe Chinese food. Second, introduce Chinese food to foreign friends. Third, order food together with foreign friends. Here we go. To begin with, please look at the pictures and answer the questions. First, what are these dishes? It's okay for you to tell.

  老师:the Chinese names yes the first picture is 剁椒鱼头 the second picture is 手撕包菜, the third picture is 干锅炒鸭金黄杂粮包 and the fourth picture is 过叫豆腐。

  老师:Second, what do they contain and how are they made? As we know, there are many ways of cooking for Chinese cuisine. For example, we could fry, stir fry, steam, boil and tap and so on. We can see clearly that the first picture.

  老师:the first dish 剁椒鱼头 contains fish head and chillies。

  老师:It is often steamed, the second dish.

  老师:手撕包菜 contains cabbage and chillies it is usually stir fried over high heat the third dish。干锅炒鸭金黄杂粮包 contains duck and golden buns it is often stir fried and the last dish。过桥豆腐。

  老师:Contains tofu, eggs and chilies, and it is often steamed. Third, how do you describe their taste and texture? Exactly. Texture here means the way that a particular type of food feels in your mouth. In Chinese Koga, the first dish, duojiayuto, tastes salty and spicy. The fish meat is tender. Tender food is easy to cut and eat, especially because it has been well cooked. In Chinese Nanda. the second dish 手撕包菜 tastes fresh and spicy it is also crisp。

  老师:I'm juicy food that is crisp, is pleasantly hard or firm when you bite it in Chinese. How about this dish? It has a heavy and spicy taste. The dark meat is hot but chewy. Food that is chewy has to be chewed a lot before it is soft enough to swallow in Chinese. You Jiao Jared.

  老师:The last dish has a light and fresh taste. It's soft and cheese like texture make it very smooth in your mouth. Do you know the exact English names for these dishes? Here is your chance. Now please match the dishes below to the English names. It's easy, isn't it? The first dish, steamed fish head covered with chillies. Steam means to cook something in steam, the hot mist that water produces when it is boiled. in Chinese zheng and chillies are what makes the food so spicy?

  老师:手撕包菜 is called hantorn cabbage。

  老师:It is a very typical vegetable dish in Hunan cuisine. Tom comes from Ted. Tattoo, tone, tear means to damage something such as paper or cloth by pulling it hot or letting it touch something sharp.

  老师:this dish 干锅炒鸭金黄杂粮包 is caught。

  老师:Dry pot duck with golden buns are a small, round type of bread in Chinese. And the last dish is Breached Tofu, which is a perfect combination of tofu, eggs and chilies, and which has a high nutritional value.

  老师:Just now we talked about some Hun


《13 Unit3 Food and Culture Using Language_第1课时》.doc
