必修 第三册 ·英语· 人教版

10 M3U3 Reading and thinking_第1课时


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to my class. Today we will continue to learn about diverse cultures. Do you know any city with diverse cultures? Let's read and explore the city together. As we all know, San Francisco is a typical city where we can find a mixed of different cultures.

  老师:How much do you know about this place? In this class, you will talk about what you know about San Francisco. Read and find out Lilan's travel experiences in San Francisco and share your impressions on San Francisco. After reading. Are you ready to learn? Let's start our learning journey. First of all, where is it? Please open your textbook and 10 to page 28. Can you find San Francisco on the map? Oh, here it is. San Francisco is a city in California on the West Coast of the US. What do you know about San Francisco? I know that it is a big city and it is famous for its Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco is a lively and beautiful city, isn't it?

  老师:On page 28, there are another two pictures about San Francisco. What can we know from the two pictures? The first picture is of the mission school, an art movement that grew out of graffiti and comic art in the Mission District in the early 1990s. Look at the graffiti and comic art. I mean, the colorful paintings on the wall. They had been important forms of street art, and tourists love walking up and touching them. In the Mission District.

  老师:In the other picture, we can see men are mining for gold. It was the gold rush that changed the destiny of San Francisco, making it prosperous and busy. All right, let's get down to the reading passage and find out more. Please read the passage on page 28 and 29 to find out. What is the passage mainly about? Well, I believe that you have got your answer. You're right.

  老师:The passage is a travel journal for Leila's trip in San Francisco. A travel journal is a personal record of his or her travels, which may be kept in a diary or in a blog format online. It is usually organized in time order or space order.

  老师:Well, I am curious about what were the places that Leland had been to or planned it to visit. In order to get the answer, we are actually classifying and organizing the information we need. In fact, we can better understand a passage by classifying or organizing the information. Classifying means sorting the information in groups, such as names, places or events. Organizing means putting things in order according to how old, how much and what kind. Sometimes it is a good idea to draw a diagram to organize the information in the passage. By classifying, we scan for the names of the places. Organizing, we use a diagram to show Lila's agenda of her trip. So let's have a try.

  老师:Before that day, she went to Redwood Forest and Napa Valley. On that day, she wen


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