必修 第三册 ·英语· 人教版

9 M3U3 Listening and speaking


  老师:Hello every class today we will talk diverse cultures, diverse may. We will focus food culture in. To know diverse culture. Class you will get some formation, define the origin, water, delicious food. So the name of the do you know which country they?

  老师:Try to solve your con? 1St photos and food, invention, style of, fortune, two means. In life sample, natural. Can you met, believe? Oh no D, 3 I don't know either. To find out. To the interview the notes below. Form, picture shows, listening stretch.

  老师:Notes. Just write down the such as name. They will help you remembers, omit, to say you don't need to run. Abbreviations. Sample use oh, for New Orleans, see here, for, four years.

  老师:Listen to the interview again and complete the notes.


  学生:Today, our guest is Steve Fox. He's here to talk about cultural influences on American food. Welcome, Steve.

  学生:Thank you. It's nice to be here.

  学生:When it comes to American food, some say no food was ever invented in America. What do you think.

  学生:That's not really true. For example, some say the hamburger comes from Hamburg in Germany, but they're wrong. The recipe for the meat in a hamburger may have come from Germany, but the final hamburger we know today was dead. Definitely created by Americans.

  学生:You mean there was a mixing of cultures. Food from overseas changed when it arrived in the States.

  学生:Right. And there are many more examples of mixed culture dishes like nachos, for example.

  学生:Oh, I just love nachos. Mexican corn chips covered in cheese.

  学生:Yes, they're delicious, but they're not traditional Mexican food. The recipe was actually invented by a Mexican cook for his American customers. Then there are fortune cookies.

  学生:What do you mean.

  学生:They're not Chinese?

  学生:You're kidding. But every Chinese restaurant in America has them.

  学生:Yes, but they're unknown in China. About 100 years ago, someone in San Francisco put a piece of paper with a fortune on it inside a Japanese style cookie, and the fortune cookie was born.

  学生:That's interesting. So they're like a mix of the Chinese, American and Japanese cultures.

  学生:You got it.

  老师:I just left gumbo here. Information, you means a meal which you make festivals in a low temperature for a long time, to use. Revisions.

  学生:You got it. And then we have gumbo, the spicy stew. It was invented in New Orleans over 200 years ago and mixes French, African, Native American and Spanish. Spanish cooking. So.

  学生:It's the food of many different cultures all in one dish.

  学生:Exactly. American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new.

  老师:Are the answers, oh, New Orleans, refers to, you know more about. Now let's check.

  老师:Are the answers, do you agree? Now let's listen to


《9 M3U3 Listening and speaking》.doc
