必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

40 M7Unit 5 Reading and Speaking_第1课时


  老师:Good morning, class. Today we are going to learn Unit 5, reading and speaking. This is the first period. In this lesson. You are going to have a deeper understanding of Peru. Choose proper tour for different people. No benefits of travel. Look at the four beautiful pictures. These are the pictures about the country. We will learn Peru. Plus, when we talk about Peru, what do you know about Peru? Where is it? What's his capital? In this class, we will learn something about this. Class. It's time for you to turn to page 43. Read the passage quickly and try to answer, what does it tell about Peru?

  老师:Let's check the answers. It tells about the location, geography, history, as well as famous places of Peru. Class, it's time for you to read the passage again very carefully and tried filling the table about Peru's location. Three main geographic areas, resource, capital, history and famous places. Now class, you can stop the video, start reading.

  老师:Time is up. Let's check the answers for the location. It's a country on the Pacific coast of South America. It has a narrow coastal belt, the Andes Mountains, flat planes in the southeast resource abundant plants from desert grass to vast areas of jungle. The capital is Lima. The history governed by Spain from the 16th century onwards and gained independence from Spain in 1821. Famous places, Cusco, a lively city with India and Spanish culture and art, much people famous Inca rooms.

  老师:Look at this picture. This is about the location approve and its geographic areas. Pay attention to this part. It's a narrow coastal belt. And here we have the Andy's Mountains, plus the Andes Mountains are running parallel to the coast. Here we have the phrase running parallel to something.

  老师:it means 与什么什么平行 and about this part they are the high flat plans, look at the two pictures, this is lake tedikaka, the highest lake in the world, and this llama。

  老师:The capital city and biggest Harper. This is Cuzco, the capital city of Inca Empire. And this is much picture a city of Inca rooms. Class. Let's go to the next passage. Turn to page 44, your scheme and match the crack title to each tour, not class. Stop the video, start your reading.

  老师:Okay, time is up. Let's check the answers. As for the first tour, we choose a high mountains hiking to. We choose D Lake Titicaka 2,3. We choose Kusco city and ancient ruins. The last two, the Amazon jungle adventure.

  老师:Class. Let's read the passage very carefully and try to fill in the table about the four tools, about their transportation and the activities you can do for each tour. Now, class stop, the video stop your reading, class time is up. Let's check the answers.

  老师:As for the first tour, transportation on food, the activities, experience the jungle and wildlife,


《40 M7Unit 5 Reading and Speaking_第1课时》.doc
