必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

39 M7Unit 5 Listening


  老师:Hello students. Welcome back. Let's continue to study Module 7, Unit 5, listening, learning objectives. In this class you will learn to prepare for the listening task and then listen for details about traveling in Peru. You will also finish another listening task as practice.

  老师:Part one, pre listening activity, 1. Before you listen, look at the map of South America. Find the cities of Lima and Cuzco and the Andes Mountains. Think about what you already know about Peru. Now we can see Peru on the map of the South America and the capital city of Peru is Lima. Lima has a lot of places of interests such as?

  老师:plaza 第 ams 武器广场。 city hall of LLAMA 立马市政厅, Pachakama 巴恰卡玛遗址。

  老师:Also, Cuzco is another famous city of Peru. We can see the ruins of Machu Picchu.

  老师:古印家文化、马丘比丘遗址 and we can all。

  老师:Also see on the map, the Andes Mountains crosses through the country Peru from the north to the south.


  老师:Okay, let's go on to part 2, listening activity. 2. Leah wants to visit Peru. She goes to a travel agent to find out the best way to travel there. Read the following facts, then listen to the conversation and tick the things she says she likes doing. Please read the following facts.

  老师:Visiting places on her own. trying different kinds of food going to historical sites cycling visiting museums swimming climbing mountains looking at a wildlife learning about a countrys culture, staying in expensive hotels, now lets do the listening。

  学生:Listening text a trip to Peru. Leah is planning to visit Peru. Listen to her conversation with a clerk at the Travel Agent about possible ways to travel.

  学生:Can I help you?

  学生:Yes, I want to go to Peru. I've heard a lot about it.

  学生:Have you been there before?

  学生:No, but I don't want to go on a tour. I like to be independent. Is it possible for me to travel alone?

  学生:Oh, certainly. But you might find it difficult as it's your first visit.

  学生:Is it dangerous then?

  学生:Not really. Well, not in big towns anyway where there are other tourists. However, I think you might be lonely on your own.

  学生:I suppose so. Well, what do you suggest?

  学生:Let's see what kind of things do you like doing?

  学生:Well, I enjoy visiting historical sites and going to museums. Of course.

  学生:There are many historical sites in Peru.

  学生:Yes. But I also love mountains. I'd like to go somewhere in the Andes and I've heard that the animals and plants are really beautiful.

  学生:I think I know the perfect place for you. Oh, good. It's called Cuzco. It's a city high up in the Andes. It's not far from the ancient city of Machu Picchu.

  学生:Oh, yes, I'd really like to see that.

  学生:You can fly from Lima, their capital of Peru, to Cuzgo. We could book you into a hotel in Kuzgo, then you could take sh


《39 M7Unit 5 Listening》.doc
