必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

21 Unit4 Natural Disasters Discovering Useful Structures


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to my class. Today we will continue to learn Unit 4, natural disasters. We will focus on the section of discovering useful structures. First, let's have a quick look at the learning objectives in this class. You will recognize the restrictive relative clauses and understand the use of relative pronouns.

  老师:Summarize the form and functions of restrictive relative clauses. Use restrictive relative clauses to describe pictures of disasters. Look at this sentence. The Tangshan earthquake was a terrible experience that my great grandma cannot forget. This sentence tells us when the Tangshan earthquake happened, my great grandma was there and she would always remember that terrible experience because it was so frightening. So can you find the restrictive relative clause here? Here it is. This is the restrictive relative clause in Chinese, xianzi tongji. A class is a group of words that has a subject and a verb. And a relative clause tells us which person or thing we are talking about. And in this sentence, we are talking about experience. So experience is the.

  老师:antisedent in Chinese 先行词okay。

  老师:Let's see more sentences. The first sentence, can you find the restrictive relative clause in this sentence? Here. And which noun is modified? Couple. Here is the antecedent. Next sentence, can you find the restrictive relative clause here? Here and which is the antecedent? Supplies. Next sentence, can you find the restrictive relative clause? And the antecedent. Next sentence, can you find the restrictive relative clause here, and which now is modified? Doctor is the antecedent. Alright, we have talked so much about the restrictive relative clause and you may have the question, why do we use restrictive relative clause here? Let's take this sentence as an example. The couple who live next to us volunteered to help after the volcano erupted. This sentence tells us a couple volunteered to help after the volcano erupted. But do you know which couple we are talking about? Yes, we are talking about the couple who live next to us.

  老师:You see, a restrictive relative clause gives us detailed information. It tells us which person or thing we are talking about. And you may still have question. What if the restrictive relative clause is not used in the sentence? Let's still take the same sentence as an example. If we delete the restrictive relative clause here, the sentence would be like this. The couple volunteered to help after the volcano erupted. If you say that sentence to me, I would be confused because we may know many couples and I don't know which couple you are talking about. Are you talking about the couple who visited us yesterday or are you talking about the couple who work in your office? It's not clear. But with this rest


《21 Unit4 Natural Disasters Discovering Useful Structures》.doc
