必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

20 Unit4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking


  老师:Hello, everyone. Glad to meet you. In the listening part of this unit, we got some information about the earthquakes in several places. Today we'll continue to focus on the topic of earthquakes. In this class, you will read a text about Tangshan Earthcake and gather information, reflect on the lessons that we can learn from the earthquake, analyze the language features of the text.

  老师:Please look at this picture. This is a picture taken after the earthquake. What is going on in this picture? Yes, we can see a team of soldiers were rescuing somebody after the earthquake. What can happen to a city during a big earthquake? Yes, many buildings will fall down. A great number of people will be trapped under the ruins. Some may be injured, while others will be killed. Food, water and electricity are hard to get, and people's daily life will be greatly influenced.

  老师:Please turn to page fifty of the textbook. Look at the title and the photo. What do you think the text is mainly about? The title of the text is the night the earth didn't sleep. If you don't sleep, how do you feel? Yes, maybe you will feel tired and annoyed. What can happen to the earth if it doesn't sleep? Well, maybe something bad will happen.

  老师:So what do you think the text is mainly about? From the photo, we can see collapsed buildings and people were working together to do something. Maybe they wanted to rescue somebody under the collapsed buildings. So we guess there was an earthquake. The title told us the earthquake happened at night. So the text is mainly about an earthquake that happened at night and caused great damage to the city and people.

  老师:Now let's read the text to check our prediction in three minutes. So what is the tag mainly about? Yes, it is about a big earthquake hit Tangshan at night and caused great damage. Do you share the same answer with me? You have done a very good job.

  老师:Having got the main idea of the text, let's focus on the main idea of each paragraph. Please read the text carefully and write down the main idea of each paragraph, even phrase. Then please tend to page 51 of the textbook look at activity 3. The main idea of the first paragraph has been provided.

  老师:Main read. Please pay attention to the first and last sentence of each paragraph, which is usually the topic sentence. Now it's time for you to read the text and finish this job.

  老师:Okay. What does paragraph 2 talk about? Yes, it tells us, the happening of the big earthquake. How about paragraph three? Well, it talks about the immediate effects of the earthquake. How about paragraph four? Yes, it describes the rescue work. And the last paragraph, yes, it is about the revival of the city. You hit the points well done. From the above analysis, we can see the events of the big earth


《20 Unit4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking》.doc
