七年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

26 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag (Period 4)


  老师:hello everyone welcome to my class im Liu Jin from Beijing Yuying school my English name is crystal, you can call me miss Liu or crystal i will be with you for the next three classes this is the fourth period of union, four where is my school bag hope we can have a good time together, lets look at todays learning objectives by the end of this lesson you will be able to talk about toms problems。

  学生:回顾并谈论 Tom 在整理房间方面的问题。

  老师:identify the tips on how to keep the room Tidy。


  老师:offer suggestions on how to arrange toms room。

  学生:就 Tom 如何整理及摆放房间物品提出建议。

  老师:Before we start, let's see our homework from yesterday. Did you do your homework? Here is the hallmark. Write a diary for Tom about the things he sees in case room and the things he has Learned from Kate. I got a sample from my student and I would like to share it with you.


  老师:while we go through this sample compare it with yours, and see if that can help you to improve yours。


  老师:here is the sample。 Kate's room is clean and tidy. Her books and tapes are in the bookcase. Her keys are in the school bag. Her clock is on the desk. Her tidy room makes me think of myself, and I began to dislike the mass in my room. I should learn from her and be careful with my things.


  老师:clean and Tidy。

  学生:他的书和磁带在书柜里。 in the bookcase。他的钥匙在书包里。

  老师:in the schoolbag。

  学生:它的钟表在桌子上 on the desk。它整洁的房间使我想到了我自己 think of myself。我开始不喜欢房间里乱糟糟的了。

  老师:dislike the mess in my room。

  学生:我应该向他学习 learn from her。管理好自己的物品。

  老师:be careful with my thing。 Things. So much for the homework. Do you remember the boy Tom? Yes, he has been with us this whole time. How would you like to describe it? Oh, yes, the messy boy, Tom. He's really messy, right? So look at this picture. Where is Tom? He is in the living room. What is he doing? He's looking for things. We all know that he is always looking for things, right? And look at this picture. What's this? It's a bedroom. How would you like to describe this room? It's really messy. Tom puts his things everywhere. I agree with you. This is really a messy room.

  老师:Now, we know that Tom is a messy boy and his room is always in a mess. So what problems does Tom have or what is his daily life Pro?

  老师:probably like 他的日常生活是什么样子的?

  老师:all right toms room is。 Really messy. He puts his things everywhere so it's not easy for him to find his things. And he is always looking for things. What's more, he often forgets to take things to school. He has to ask his mom to help him. His messy room makes his mom really angry. She is worried about Tom. So Tang wants to change. He asked Kate for help. Do you still remember Kate? She is a girl who keeps her room really tidy. When Tom asks


《26 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag (Period 4)》.doc
