七年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

25 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag (Period 3)


  老师:hello boys and girls welcome to my class again do you remember who i am li fanwei from Beijing yu Yin school, my English name is Catherine。 You can come, Miss Lee or Catherine. Today we're going to learn Unit 4. Where's my school bag? This is the last one of my 3 classes.


  老师:Now let's look at our learning objectives today. By the end of the class, you will be able to locate information about kit and Genius Room.


  老师:和 Gina 房间物品摆放的信息。

  老师:evaluate kids and genius habits。

  学生:能够根据 Kit 和 Gina 的物品摆放评价他们的生活习惯。

  老师:give advice on how to keep toms room tidy。

  学生:能够就如何保持房间整洁给 Tom 提几条建议。

  老师:before we move on to our class lets see our homework from last class i think you all did it very well。

  学生:我们上节课的作业是什么呢?请梳理并写下 Tom 房间的物品及其摆放位置。你梳理的 Tom 房间的物品都有哪些?它们又都是如何摆放的?

  老师:I got two samples from my students, and I would like to share it with you. Look at this one. We can see a glove, a T-shirt, a football and a computer game. His glove is on the floor. His T-shirt and football are also on the floor. His computer game is under the bat.

  学生:在这里我们用到的介词短语分别是。 On the.

  老师:Floor and under the bat.

  老师:Look at this one. In Tom's room, we can see two posters, some socks, a lamp, are quiet. And a pillar. We can also see some books and a computer game. Now let's read together. Two posters. Two posters. Some socks. Some socks. A lamp. A lamp. A quilt. A quiet. A pillow. a pillow some books, a computer game。


  老师:Where are they? The socks are in the drawer. His books are on the bed. His computer game is under the bat.

  学生:在这里我们用到的介词短语分别是 in the。

  老师:drawer。 On the bed, under the bed? Atoms, things in proper places? Clearly not. The things are still everywhere. Tom's Rome, still very messy. Tom's mother is angry. Can you guess why his mother is angry? Because Tom leaves his things everywhere. He often forgets to take his things to school, and he has to ask his mom for help. If you were Tom's mom, would you be happy?

  学生:如果你是 Tom 的妈妈,你会高兴吗?

  老师:I clearly know I would not be happy.

  老师:Do you think Tom will change? Let's look at the picture and find out. What can you see in this picture? Has Tom changed? No, he hasn't changed a bit. As we can see, his room is still messy. All is messier.

  学生:我们可以看到 Tom 不仅没有发生变化,他的房间更加乱了。

  老师:now we know that Tom doesnt change at all hes still very messy and careless, what is toms daily life like lets imagine。

  学生:Tom 的日常生活会是什么样子的?我们来想象一下。

  老师:his life is so messy。


  老师:He often forgets where his things are and he has to spend lots of time looking for them. He has to ask others for help, too. He often forgets to take his things to school, and he has to ask his mom to bring these things to him. Yes, you're


《25 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag (Period 3)》.doc
