七年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

15 Unit 2 This is my sister. (Period 5)


  老师:nice to meet you boys and girls im very happy to study with you i hope we will have a wonderful lesson together today, we are going to have a writing class。


  老师:By the end of this class, you will be able to first summarize the key aspect of a speech about family. Second, make your own family poster and write about your family.


  老师:Okay, now, boys and girls, do you remember where are we now? In our previous classes, some of our classmates have shared with us their family. During the thematic class meeting, get to know me and my family. Today we welcome two brothers, Paul and Joan, to talk about their shared family member. bus。


  老师:get to know me and my family 主题。

  学生:班会上分享了他们的家庭。那么今天 Paul 和 Jon 这一对亲兄弟将上台来分享他们的家庭了。那么同样的家庭成员,两位亲兄弟的分享又有什么不同和相同之处呢?

  老师:please keep this question in mind。 And think about it during pose and John's sharing. Now, first of all, please take a look at post and Jones family poster. They make it together. We can see that there are six people in this poster. Who is the boy in the middle of the first row? That's right. It is our classmate, pole. And where is John? Correct? That's him, John. And how about other members in this poster? We see a man, a woman, a girl, and another boy. Who are they? And how about their names?

  老师:Let's find answers in Jones and post introduction. This is post family tree. We can see that Poe has done really a good job by clearly introducing his family members and their relationship in such a family tree. We see that there is father, mother and four kids of his family. They are Pearl, Jill, Bob and Cindy.

  老师:Then shall we take a look at his speech draft together? Well, hi, my name is Po. This is a poster of my family. These are my parents and those are my brothers, John and Bob. This is my sister Cindy. Well, according to post speech draft, what do we know about his family? Well, first of all, Paul gave us answers about who they are as we put forward this question before. This man is his father and this woman with a pair of glasses is his mother. And this boy called Bob is their shared brother and this girl, Cindy is their sister for the same family members. What does John tell in his speech?

  学生:那么对于同样的家庭成员, drone 的介绍和 Poe 的介绍又会有哪些不同?

  老师:so lets have a。 A look first, John also did a good job in presenting his family tree. We can see clearly in this family tree about his family relationship. And then how about his speech draft?

  老师:Now let's take a look at Jones speech draft. Hi, my name is John. This is a poster of my family. These are my parents. My father is a policeman and my mother is a teacher. Those are my bro


《15 Unit 2 This is my sister. (Period 5)》.doc
