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8 Unit 4 Buying New Clothes Part B


  老师:Hello boys and girls. Welcome to my class. I'm Miss Zheng. Before the class, please get your English book, pen and worksheet ready. Now that's 10 to patch 25. That's then part B. In this Dyson will then these new words, phrases and sentence and you will learn to talk about the clothes and the methods of making a shopping list.

  老师:Are you ready for the class? Let's go. Children, what clothes do you need? Now let's play a game and open the boxes. You try please. I need your hat. Box 4, open it. Sorry, but a pair of shorts for you. You try please. I need a dress. Box 1. Open it. Wow, good luck. A yellow dress for you. One more try. You place. I need a T-shirt. Box 10. Open it. Sorry. But ahead for you, the last one you try, please. I need a skirt. Box 5. Open it. So lucky you are a pink skirt for you children. But what are the clothes in the boxes that have a look? A shirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a pair of sports shoes, a coat, a cap and a pair of glasses. Sometimes boys and girls need different clothes. Hope you enjoy these clothes, children. Look, they are our friends, Wang Tao and Sally. What are they talking about? Now let's watch the pictures and answer you. Try, please.

  学生:They are talking about clothes for boys and girls.

  老师:So great children. Now let's watch the video and classify these clothes for girls and boys. Check out your worksheet and pens. Ready?

  学生:Good morning, Sally.

  老师:Good morning, Wang Tao.

  学生:You look beautiful in your dress. Thank you. Girls are lucky.


  学生:Girls can wear shorts, trousers and t shirts like boys, but boys can't wear skirts or dresses like girls. Boys can only wear shorts, trousers, t shirts.

  老师:These clothes are very boring. Okay, now let's classify. Alright, time's up. You try, please.

  老师:Wow, well done. Boys and girls. Let's check. And then, girls can wear shorts, trousers and t shirts like boys, but boys can't wear skirts or dresses like girls. So children, girls can't wear. Yes, you try please.

  学生:Girls can wear shorts, trousers, t shirts, skirts and.

  老师:Dresses well done but what about boys? That's decent boys can only wear shorts, trousers, t shirts oh, so children boys can wear you place boys can wear shorts, trousers, t shirts so great now let's look at this word listen trousers n OU says owl tr says Che trial says a ze. So trousers boys and girls trousers are you try please.

  学生:Trousers are long.

  老师:Very good and we know that Shawsa you place.

  学生:Shorts are short.

  老师:Great thank you m boys and girls look at these these are clothes and oh says oh, clothes silly things these clothes are very boring and this is boring, boys and girls. What's boring? Look at Wangtao's clothing from Monday to Friday. What can you find? You try, please.

  学生:He usually wears


《8 Unit 4 Buying New Clothes Part B》.doc
