三年级 · 英语 · 闽教版 · 上册

8 Unit 4 Age and Phone Numbers Part B


  老师:Hello boys and girls. Welcome to my class. Today we are going to learn Unit 4H and phone numbers Part B. Before class, please take out your pencils and books. By the end of the class, you will be able to do the. First. Let's enjoy a song. How old are you?

  老师:How old are you? How old are you? I am nice. I am nice. How are you? How old are you? I am pen.

  老师:How old are you? How old are you? I am 9. I am nine. Old are you? Old are you? I am 10. I am ten. Today is Lisa's birthday. How old are you, Lisa? Children, please guess. Maybe she says I'm 6. Good. How do you know that? Well done there. 6 candles on the cake. Lisa's friend takes some pleasant and cars to give her best wishes. Children. Now look, here's the baby. How old are you, baby? Please guess. Maybe he says, I'm.

  学生:I'm one.

  老师:How do you know that? Why?

  学生:His little.

  老师:Good job. We will when our family hold the Gia ceremony to show their own best wishes. How old are you kid? Maybe she says, I'm 6. Why?

  学生:Because she is in Grade 1.

  老师:Wonderful. When we're seeing our school hold the entrance ceremony to show their best wishes. How old are your boy?

  学生:I'm Ken.

  老师:Wonderful. When children attend their parents hold ceremony to show best wishes. Children, age changes, but best wishes never change. Different ages, we have different celebrations. After Lisa's birthday party on their.

  老师:way home whom do the one Tao and yangming meat。 Yes, they meet the dog. Is the dog happy? No, the dog is unhappy. It's lost. How to help the dog? What do they ask? Please guess.

  学生:What's your name? Good guess. Where do you live?

  老师:Maybe. Now let's watch and choose a, B or C. Are you ready? Let's.

  学生:Go look. A dog. Hello. What's your name? Woof, woof. My name is Fido. What's your phone number?

  学生:8,1,7,2,6,9,5,3. Hello? Oh, it's my dog. Thank you.

  老师:Children, what do they ask? Good. B, what's your name? See, what's your phone number? This is fun. PH. Oh, fun number. You? A number? Phone number. What's your phone number? Now please read an answer. Children, have you got it? Now let's check it.

  学生:Woof, woof. My name is Fido.

  老师:Wonderful. The doggee's name is Fido. What's your phone number? Let's check it.

  学生:8,1,7,2,6,9,5. Free.

  老师:Good job. But whose door is they? Wan Tao is on the phone with Sally. Is this Sally's dog? What do they say? Please.

  学生:Guess. Hello, Sally. Did you lost your dog? Oh, yes.

  老师:Good guess. But whose door is they?

  学生:Oh, it's my dog.

  老师:Wonderful. It's Sally's dog.

  学生:Thank you.

  老师:Is the dog happy now? Yes, the dog is happy. They all very happy children. When someone helps us, we should say thank you. Okay. Now please listen and imitate. And you should read the text correctly, fluently and emotionally. Are you ready? Let's go.


《8 Unit 4 Age and Phone Numbers Part B》.doc
