九年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

41 九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to our Renai Project English. It's a new week today. How do you feel? I'm so happy because I have good news to tell you. There will be a wonderful movie tonight. Do you know what it is about? Look at the picture. Hong Kong and Maria are talking about it. Listen to 1A and try to answer the questions.

  学生:Hi, Maria. A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Shall we go to watch it? Great.

  学生:What's it about?

  学生:It's about life and space.

  学生:That sounds exciting. Yes.

  学生:All the people travel by spaceship in the movie and they can visit planets like Mars.

  学生:Really? Kang Kang, do you think people will live on Mars in the future?

  学生:Yes, I think we will live in space one day. Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars. We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. What.

  学生:Fun. I can't wait.

  老师:Have you got the answers? Okay, let's check them.

  学生:在对话的开头是Kang, Kang 告诉 Maria 这个好消息的。

  老师:A wonderful movie will be shown tonight.

  学生:今晚一场精彩的电影要上映了。这是一般将来时的被动语态,由 will 加 be 加动词的过去分词构成,表示将要被怎样 will 加 b 加动词的过去分词。

  老师:example。 A new satellite will be sent up next month.

  学生:Woman eating like Kancana.

  学生:Hi, Maria. A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Shall we go to watch it?

  学生:Great. What's it about?

  学生:It's about life and space.

  学生:That sounds exciting.

  学生:Yes. All the people travel by spaceship in the movie, and they can visit planets like Mars.

  学生:原来电影是关于太空生活的,你对太空生活是否感兴趣?电影中所有的人都要乘坐宇宙飞船去旅行,他们还能去火星旅行,是不是很有意思?这时 Maria 提出了自己的想法,really?

  学生:Kangkang, do you think people will live on Mars in the future?

  学生:Yes, I think we will live in space one day. Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars. We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. What.

  学生:Fun. I can't wait.

  学生:Maria? 问康康,未来的人们会在火星上生活吗?康康给出的答案是肯定的。他还。

  老师:说,houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars。

  学生:房屋、学校和医院都会在火星上建造。 will be built。也是前面我们所提到的一般将来时的被动语态表示将要被建造。

  老师:Hong Kong is sure that we can be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.

  学生:所谓一切皆有可能,所以 Maria 听到这些非常的兴奋。

  老师:他说, i cant wait 我等不及了。 cant wait to do something 等不及做某事儿。

  老师:example i cant wait to fly to hainan for my vacation。


  老师:Let's watch the flash and help her.

  学生:Hi, Maria. A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Shall we go to watch it?

  学生:Great. What's it about?

  学生:It's about life and space.

  学生:That sounds exciting.

  学生:Yes. All the people travel by spaceship in the movie and they can visit planets like Mars.

  学生:Really? Hong Kong. Do you think people will live on Mars in the future?

  学生:Yes, I think we will live in space one day. Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars. We will be ab


《41 九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A》.doc
