九年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

40 九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section D


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome back. Do you remember what we Learned last lesson? Yes, we Learned how to be an inventor. Did you ever try? After class, I searched the internet and found many inventions in our lives. Today, I'll introduce one of them to you.


  老师:look at the pay。 Picture. Can you guess what is it? Yes, it's the GPS. Let's read 1A and then you can know more about it. Try to answer the questions while reading.

  老师:How did the early explorers know where they were? What's the disadvantage of using the stars as getting marks? Where are we? Where are we? That was a big question when we first explored our world long ago. The early explorers found that the stars in the sky were good guiding marks. Using the stars, they could find out where they were and in which direction they were going. This method worked well at night, as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen. But it didn't work so well during the rest of the time, that was a.

  学生:Problem. 今天我们要谈的问题是我们在哪里?这个问题在古代真的是很难回答,早期的探险家们利用了天上的星星来辨别方位。

  老师:The early explorers found that the stars in the sky were good guiding Mark. Explorer means tan xianzhe, Mingzi biao Ji jiha. This method worked well at night, as long as the weather was good. the stars could be seen。

  学生:只要天气好,在能看见星星的晚上,这种方法就很有用。 could be seen 意为能够被看见。大家是否还记得刚才读前我提的那两个问题, lets check the answers。

  老师:How did the early explorers know where they were? They found out where they were by using stars. What's the disadvantage of using the stars as guiding marks? Its disadvantage is that it didn't work well when the weather was bad and the stars could not be seen.


  学生:today, the problem has been solved by the global positioning system, it is like a man made star we can use it at any time in any place and in any weather to find out our position, it can also be used to study the shape of the earth, the g p s is a great invention and helps us explore our planet and discover, where we are。

  学生:现在,辨别方位的问题已被 GPS 系统解决了,它就像一个人造卫星。 Manmade 意思是人造的,无论天气好坏,我们都随时随地可以用它来找到自己所在的位置。

  老师:The GPS is a great invention that helps us explore our planet and discover where we. ERNN。

  学生:全球定位系统是一项伟大的发明,它能帮助我们探索星球,确定我们所在的位置。 PPS 的全称是global。


  学生:system,是名词系统的意思。看来科技的力量真的是太伟大。了解之后,关于 GPS 的问题你能回答了吗?

  老师:what is a gps is it useful to us it is like a man made star we can use it at any time in any place and in any weather to find out our position very useful。

  学生:下面我再给大家介绍一下 GPS 的小知识。 GPS 距全球定位系统,它是一个中距离圆形轨道卫星定位系统,可以为地球表面绝大部分地区提供准确的定位和高精度的时间基准。该系统是通过太空中的 24 颗 GPS 卫星来完成的,只需要其中三颗卫星就能迅速确定你所在地球的位置。

  老师:If you want to know more about it, you can search it online. Ok


《40 九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section D》.doc
