九年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

26 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B


  老师:hello class how are you feeling today i hope youre feeling well we all know that English is a widely spoken throughout the world, and it is official language in many countries official language 译为官方语言,是一个国家统一正式语言或认定的正式语言。它是在国家机关正式文件法律裁决,即国际交往等官方场合中规定的一种或几种有效的语言。

  老师:Do you know official language in the following countries? Let's learn it from some pictures before our class.

  老师:Can you finish the table based on the picture? Please have a try, friends. French, Japan, Japanese, Singapore, English, Canada, English. Couldn't be better. From the table, we know that different countries have different official languages.


  老师:look at the picture jay is talking with his father before he go to Cuba, lets watch the flash of one a and then mark t or f。

  老师:因为本环节的任务是视听判断。同学们在观看 Flash 完成判断之前,要先通读题干,抓住句子陈述的主要事实和关键信息,在看和听的过程中做到有的放矢。如在第一句话中,我们先要明确这句话的主语是 jees father,地点状语是Cuber。去古巴的事由是 on business,时间状语是tonight。这样大家在听对话时就可以轻松地判断出这个句子的正误了,请同学们对后面的 4 句话进行听前的推测判断。

  学生:Jane is talking with her father before he goes to Cuba.

  学生:Dad, why are you packing your bags?

  学生:I'm going to Cuba on business tonight. Have you seen my passport?

  学生:It's in your night table. Dad, is English spoken as the official language in Cuba?

  学生:No. Spanish is spoken, is the official language there.

  学生:Is Spanish similar to English?

  学生:Not really. Perhaps a few words are the same.

  学生:Oh, I see. Is it possible for you to have trouble communicating? Yes.

  学生:I don't think I will have any long conversations in Spanish. If necessary, I'll ask an interpreter for help.

  学生:Will the interpreter explain to you the culture of the country?

  学生:Of course. Understanding the language and the culture can help me work well.

  学生:Have a good trip. I wish you success.

  老师:第一个句子的描述是正确的。第二句话中说英语是古巴的官方语言,应该是西班牙语,所以第二句话是错误的。第三句话的描述是正确的。第四句话中 impossible 是形容词,是不可能的意思。对话中 j 问爸爸在古巴会遇到交流上的麻烦吗?爸爸的回答是yes,所以第四句是错误的。最后一句是正确的, splendid job 从图片中看, j 看到爸爸正在打包行李动词,把什么什么打包,那爸爸的回答是什么呢?

  学生:Dad, why are you packing your bags?

  学生:I'm going to Cuba on business tonight. Have you seen my passport?

  学生:It's in your night table. Dad, is English spoken as the official language in Cuba?

  学生:No. Spanish is spoken, is the official language there.

  老师:I'm going to Cuba on business tonight.

  老师:今晚我要去古巴出差, on business 出差tonight。今晚到国外出差是需要 Passport 的,而 j 的爸爸的护照放在了床头柜里面。 j 还问了爸爸关于古巴官方语言的问题,爸爸是怎么回答的?

  老师:Spanish is spoken as official language there is spoken。

  老师:是上节课我们讲解的被动语态。大家是否还记得 Spanish 是 speak 这个动作的承受者,当它作主语时,句子要使用被动语态。可能大家和 j 有同样的疑惑, its Spanish similar to English j 的爸爸是不是很精通西班牙语? lets continue watch。 Flash.

  学生:Is Spanish similar to English?

  学生:Not really. Perhaps a few words are the same.

  学生:Oh, I see. Is it possible for you to have trouble comm


《26 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B》.doc
