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28 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section D


  老师:hello, everyone have you ever heard of this song before many people know this song well, because on Beijing Olympics the sun sounds very beautiful if you like it you can find it easily on the internet, many young people like singing English thoughts as we know English has become widely used around the world, i had this happened look at the picture there is a computer its not at a globe what do they mean today, lets find the answer from the passage and try to finish the table after reading。


  学生:English around the。 Warned 2, English has become widely used around the world. Why has this happened? We may find the answer from history. In the 19th century, Great Britain became a powerful country, so English became an international language. Then since 1950s, the USA has become more and more powerful. The American computer and internet industry have taken the leading position in the world. As a result, the internet has helped English to become much more popular.

  老师:In the 19th century, Great Britain became a powerful country, so English became an international language.

  老师:在 19 世纪,英国变成了一个有实力的国家,所以英语变成了一门国际语言。 Britain 名词,英国忽略跌 powerful 形容词,强大的,有权势的。

  老师:so the answer to the first column is。

  老师:只要在原文中找到正确的时间以及对应的事件,填空还是相当容易的,对吗?那么大家在下面的阅读中就利用这个方法来完成剩下的表格,那第二行表格的答案就应该是,到了 20 世纪 50 年代,美国变得越来越强大,它的计算机和英特网产业占据了世界领先地位,结果英特网促使英语变得更加流行。

  老师:Let's read the last two paragraphs and finish the table.

  学生:China, a country with the largest population in the world, has encouraged more people to learn English since the 1990s. English learning has been very popular with Chinese people. Many of them have done well in English and have made great progress in speaking it. Now students are required to learn English, and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world.

  老师:在第三段,我们可以很容易找到 the nineteenth seventieth,这个时间点上下浏览一下,也就找到了答案。

  老师:the nineteen seventies China has encouraged more people to learn English。

  老师:英语学习在我国从 20 世纪 70 年代就开始了,到了 90 年代就更加流行了。许多人英语很出色,并在口语方面取得了很大的进步。现在学生们都被要求学习英语,而且。

  老师:Study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China, as well as in the rest of the world.

  老师:无论在中国还是在世界上的其他国家,英语学习都被当作一个非常重要的行业。 regard as 把什么什么看作什么,什么 be regarded as 被看作 dont regard him as a fool。别把他当成傻瓜,那么最后一行的答案就应该是。

  老师:Now, the study of English is regarded as a very important industry. After finishing the table, you can read the passage again to check your answers. From the passage, we know why the English has become so popular. Can you retell the passage based on the table?



《28 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section D》.doc
