七年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

5 七年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 2 Section A


  老师:hi, everybody im glad to see you again how are you?

  老师:同学们好,很高兴又见到了你们,你们好吗?我知道你一定会回答我,fine, thanks and you。那我也告诉大家, IM OK,我很好。开学了,班里新同学多了,记得一定要去认识哦。今天我们就去看看两位同学怎么认识的。

  学生:Excuse me, are you Jane?

  学生:Yes, I am. What's your name, please?

  学生:My name is Sally. Where are you from?

  学生:I'm from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?

  学生:No im not im from America.

  老师:新来的同学叫Sally,他来自美国,而他的同桌 Jam 来自加拿大America。

  老师:And Canada are both in North America, and English is their native language.

  老师:America 美国Canada,加拿大两个国家都来自于北美洲,都是讲英语的国家。那他们交流应该没有问题了,让我们听听他们交流些什么。

  学生:excuse me? Are you Jane?

  学生:Yes, I am. What's your name, please?

  学生:My name is Sally. Where are you from?

  老师:Excuse me?常用来引起别人注意,表示打扰了请问可用于询问别人的名字,问路借东西等场合。

  老师:whats your name please?

  老师:句子中 whats 是 what is 的缩略形式,句子最后的 please 表示礼貌,常译为请问或请。这个句子是用来询问对方名字的,一般回答是, my name is Sally my 表示我的这个句子,意思是我的名字叫Sally。

  学生:My name is Sally. Where are you from?

  学生:I'm from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?

  学生:No, I'm not. I'm from America.

  老师:where are you from?

  老师:试问你来自哪里?一般的回答是 im from,表示我来自某地。

  老师:are you from Canada to?


  学生:excuse me? are you Jane?

  学生:Yes i am whats your name please.

  学生:My name is Sally where are you from.

  学生:Im from Canada. Are you from Canada too.

  学生:No im not im from America.


  老师:Now let's look at a dialogue and fill in the blanks.


  学生:Are you Michael? Yes, I am. What's your name, please? My name is Jane. Where are you from? I'm from America. Are you from America too? No, I'm not. I'm from Canada.

  老师:Here are 4 dialogues. Listen and number the pictures how?

  老师:好了,下面我们来听 4 段材料,然后把你听到的内容按顺序标注在每幅图的左上角。

  学生:1, I am Jia Lin. I'm from China.

  学生:2. Are you from Japan, Kumiko?

  学生:Yes, I am.

  学生:3, good afternoon. My name is Jim. I'm from Canada.

  学生:4, where are you from, Tom?

  学生:I'm from America.

  老师:Well done. Next, listen again and match the names with the countries.


  学生:1, I am Jiao Lin. I'm from China.

  学生:2, are you from Japan, Kumiko?

  学生:Yes, I am.

  学生:3, good afternoon. My name is Jim. I'm from Canada.

  学生:4, where are you from, Tom?

  学生:I'm from America.

  老师:接下来参考对话的内容,请根据 one c 提示词编一段对话。

  学生:excuse me? are you kumiko? yes i am whats your name please my name is Zhao Lin where are you from im from Japan? are you from Japan too no im not im from China?

  老师:very good。现在我们回到学校,看看大家怎么认识周围的同学。

  老师:Now listen and complete the conversation.

  老师:现在我们来听一段对话。请根据对话的内容把 123 三句话填入对话中。

  学生:excuse me who are theyre Maria and Jane are they from England? no they arent where are they from Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada?

  老师:在刚才的对话里, who are they 是问的他们是谁,对应的回答是, they are。汉语意思是他们是 where are they from?试问它们来自何方?



《5 七年级上册 Unit 1 Topic 2 Section A》.doc
