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40 Lesson 4 Let's Spell


  老师:Hello everyone. I'm Miss Yang. Welcome to my English class. Today we are going to learn Unit 6, choice Lesson 4. Let's spell. Please get your pencil and your book ready. Now open your book and turn to page 74. In this lesson, we are going to learn how to pronounce Ch, tch and sh in the word and then read and write some words with them. Are you ready for the class? Here we go. First, let's listen to a letter song. If you can sing with it.

  学生:A makes a, B makes, but C makes and d makes two. E makes f, F makes and G makes, H makes, I makes it, J makes G, K makes and makes, oh and makes and makes oh makes, all be makes, Q makes and all makes, nest makes and tea makes and U makes V makes W makes what X makes and y makes you Z makes. And that is the.

  老师:End of the sun. So boys and girls, do you remember the sound sea makes? How about this one? And this one? What sound does Ch make and what sound does SH make? Let's learn together. Please listen, watch and find. Welcome.

  学生:To the Alpha Reader for the Alpha blocks games. Our two teams are about ready to go. Oh, first up, cheer and chant for the reigning champions.


  学生:And going up against them. Yes. Age.

  老师:Did you find it? You are right. Ch makes the sound, and SH makes a sound let's have a look.

  学生:Did you notice the shape of my mouth? Look. Church. Church. Did you notice the shape of my lips? Watch.

  老师:同学们请注意,在发驰音时,双唇微开,舌尖抵着上齿龈,松开舌尖同时吐气吃。 r sh 的发音和齿类似,但是舌尖不用抵着上齿音,发这两个音时声带都不需要震动。请你用手摸着喉咙,没有麻麻的感觉就对了。

  老师:please try again, much better。 Boys and girls, look. Tch also makes a sound. You are right. Here are some words with ch, tch and sh. Can you read them? Good. Now let's listen. Watch and repeat.

  学生:Ch, chair, peach, lunch, t, C, H, catch, match, itch, sh.

  学生:Shop, fish, Wash.

  老师:1 more try.

  学生:Ch, chair, peach, lunch, tch, catch, match, itch, sh.

  学生:Shop, fish, Wash.

  老师:Alright, boys and girls, this time let's spell. Air chair. Now it's your turn to read it. Air chair. Good job. P, peach, your term, please. Peach, car, you, catch, catch, catch.

  老师:Each, H, H, shop, sharp, fee, fish, fish. Boys and girls, it's fun time. Now let's practice. Let's play a spinning game first. When a hand stops, please read the word aloud. Here we go. Wow, we have this word. Can you read it aloud? You are right. Now please read after the audio.


  老师:Good. Next round. Can you read it aloud?

  学生:Correct. Lunch. Then. Correct. Catch.

  老师:Correct. Match. Last round.

  学生:Correct. Wash.

  老师:Excellent. Now, boys and girls, let's play a circle game. It's on your book, Part B. Please listen and circle the words you hear. Let's go. 1 hair. 1 hair. The answer is correct. Now it's your turn to read it. Correct. 2 chop. 2 chop. The answer is correct. Your turn, please. Very good.



《40 Lesson 4 Let's Spell》.doc
