三年级 · 英语 · 川教版 · 上册

20 lesson C Goodbye!


  老师:Hello, everyone. I'm Miss Feng from Tianfu No. 3 Primary School. Today we are going to learn together. Welcome to my class. Please get your English book ready. Use the pass key when you need. Show me your ear to listen.

  老师:Show me your mouth to say. Think over and answer the questions. And today we are going to learn Lesson C. Goodbye. Are you ready for class? Here we go. First, let's say hello to our friends. Hello, Baby Bear.

  老师:Hello, Baby Lion. Hello, Mrs. Bear. Hi, Mister Bear and hi, Mister Lion. Good. And look, here are two little houses. Can you help our friends to go home? Let's go.

  老师:So missus bear, Mister Bear and Baby Bear live in this house. And baby Lion and Mister Lion live in this house. Why? Mrs. Bear is Baby Bear's mommy. Mister Bear is Baby Bear's daddy, so they leave together.

  老师:And Mister Lion is Baby Lion's daddy, so they live together. We can also say they are family. In a family, there is usually a daddy and a mummy. Also, there can be a little baby. So how about our friend? Do you remember them? Yes, they are tingting and le.

  老师:Le, you have a good memory. So let's say hello to them, who are in their families. Daddy, mommy, anyone else? Let's have a look. So who is this old man? Let's listen. Bye. Bye, Grandpa.

  老师:Goodbye, Ting. Ting. So who is he? Yes, he is Tinting's grandpa. And does Tingting say hello to her grandpa? Why not? Because tinting is going this way. So what does Tingting say?

  老师:Let's listen again. Bye. Bye, Grandpa. Goodbye Ting Ting. So what does Tingting say? Yes, tingting says bye. Bye, Grandpa. And Grandpa says, listen, bye.

  老师:Bye, Grandpa. Goodbye Ting Ting. So Grandpa says goodbye. Very good. So we know when we are apart, we can say bye, bye or goodbye. Now let's listen and repeat. Bye, bye, Grandpa. Goodbye Ting Ting.

  老师:And how about LA LA? Who is she? Let's listen. Bye, bye. Lala by grandma, right? She is Lila's grandma. And we can see Lula is going this way. So what does grandma say?

  老师:Bye, bye or goodbye? Let's listen. Bye bye. Lala by grandma. She says bye bye LA. So how about Le Le? Does he say bye bye too? Bye, bye, Lala by grandma.

  老师:Leila says bye grandma. So we know we can use bye, bye, goodbye and bye. Very good children. Now let's listen and repeat. Bye bye, Lala by grandma.

  老师:And let's see here, Tingting and Lula, what do they say? Bye, bye, goodbye or by? Let's listen. See you so long. So tinting says see you very good. And how about LA LA? Listen, see you so long, right? Lily says so long.

  老师:Good. So we can also use CU and so long to say goodbye.

  老师:Now let's listen and repeat see you so long now let's act the dialogue picture 1 you are Ting Ting and I am Grandpa. Now let's go. Goodbye Ting Ting now picture 2 you are grandma and I am LA let's go. B


《20 lesson C Goodbye!》.doc
