三年级 · 英语 · 川教版 · 上册

19 lesson D I'm Sunny


  老师:Hello, everyone. I'm Miss Feng from Tianfu No. 3 Primary School. Today we are going to learn together. Welcome to my class. Please get your English book ready. Use the pass key when you need. Show me your ear to listen. Show me your mouth to say. Think over and answer the questions. Today we are going to learn Lesson d. I'm sunny. Are you ready for class? Here we go. Look, who are they, right? We are our friends, Baby Bear and Le. Let's sing the hello chant to greet them. Let's go.

  老师:Nice job, children. And baby bear will introduce a new friend to Lulu. Let's see. Do they say hello? Let's listen.

  学生:Good morning. Good morning.

  老师:Morning. So what do they say? Yes, they say good morning. Now read after me. Morning. Morning. Good morning. Nice reading children. And who is this new friend? Let's move on.

  学生:I'm sunny. I'm Baby Bear. I am Lala.

  老师:So who is he? Right? He is sunny. Read that for me, sunny. Sunny. So what does he say?

  学生:I'm sunny.

  老师:He says I'm sunny. Good. And how about Baby bear and Lula? What do they say? Let's listen.

  学生:I'm Baby Bear.

  老师:Baby bear says I'm baby bear. And lemon says.

  学生:I am Lala.

  老师:I am Le, Le, wonderful. So they know each other. What else do they say?

  学生:Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

  老师:Baby bear and sunny, they say nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Good. And Lily says, nice to meet you too. Wonderful children. And now let's listen and repeat.

  学生:Good morning. Good morning. Morning. I'm sunny. I'm Baby Bear. I am Lala. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

  老师:Wonderful children. Now let's move on. Sunny wants to greet you. Let's see.

  学生:Good morning. I'm sunny.

  老师:Now can you introduce yourself to sunny? Good morning. I'm good children.

  学生:Nice to meet you.

  老师:Nice to me too, too. Wonderful. And there are some other friends want to meet you. Let's see who is he? Let's listen. Good morning. I'm cloudy. Oh, so we know he is cloudy now.

  老师:Read up from me. Cloudy. Cloudy. Now it's your turn to introduce yourself. Good morning. I'm nice job. Nice to meet you. Nice to me too. Wonderful children. And this time this friend is a little bit shy, so you introduce first. Let's go.

  老师:Hello, I'm good. Hello, I'm Wendy. Oh, so we know he is windy now. Read after me. Windy, windy. Good. Nice to meet you. Nice to me too. 2. Good job. And one more friend. Let's greet him. Hi, I'm, hi, I'm rainy. Oh, he is raining. Read after me. Raining, raining.

  学生:Nice to meet you.

  老师:Nice to meet you too. Good job, children. And do you know all of them? Let's see. This one, yes, he is sunny. And this one, yes, he is cloudy. How about this one? Good. He's windy. And the last one, yes, he is raining. Oh, you can remember all of them. Now let's listen and repeat. Sunny.



《19 lesson D I'm Sunny》.doc
