六年级 · 英语 · 陕旅版 · 上册

13 Revision 1_第1课时


  老师:hi, boys and girls nice to meet you。

  老师:同学们好,我是来自何阳县城关店儿小学的王汝老师。今天由我带领大家一起学习六年级上册复习一第一课时,跟老师一起看看本节课的教学目标。我们要能听说读写下列词汇, unit one play the violin do i exercises play sports learn English have a rest take out the book you need to take a walk play ping pong play tennis go boating go skating go shopping a lot of how often once twice。同时我们要能听懂会说会读、会用下列句型, unit one can i go out to play im afraid you cant its time to unit two how often do you i everyday?那同学们要注意我们空缺的部分,要填上适当的单词。那接下来我们三四单元也有重点教学目标,我们要能听说读写下列词汇, unit three careful earth pick flowers cut down make the air dirty waste water drive a car unit four go on a picnic, take out of put into get to meet at the gate。那同学们,我们也要注意,三四单元也有重点句型需要我们掌握。

  老师:unit three we should do something for our earth we shouldnt drive the car today, why not unit four what shall we take we will when shall we meet eight or eight thirty?

  老师:同学们,以上教学目标是我们本单元的重点,同学们都掌握了吗?接下来跟王老师一起闯关, listen and take all cross。准备好 number one。

  学生:Mom, can I play computer games?

  学生:I'm afraid you can't. It's time to play the violin.

  学生:Number two, do you often learn English, Helen?

  学生:Yes, I do. I learn it every day.

  学生:Number three, how are you going to school today, Jenny?

  学生:By bus. It's World Car Free Day today. I won't go to school in my father's car. Number four, Tom, let's go on a picnic in the mountains on Saturday morning.

  学生:Great. When shall we meet? At 8:00.

  学生:Number five. Hey, Tim, where shall we plant trees tomorrow?

  学生:In the park.

  老师:Let's play, look at this picture. What do they talk about? Sunnan says we should care for the earth. Wu Chen says we shouldn't waste water. Do we? know if any others wants to say something about should unshouldnt activity, bike and now read after me careful the earth waste water pick flowers make the air dirty litter on the floor cast down trees, make a noise make the air clean we find something we should do and something we shouldnt do in freezys bank, someone in our class wants to say something。 The first one, we shouldn't pick flowers. We should not make a noise. We should make the air clean. Listen in class. We shouldn't make a noise or litter on the floor. We have only one earth. People should care for the earth and make the air clean.

  老师:Boys and girls, we Learned these phrases and sentences in units. well,done。同学们做得非常棒,那我们一起继续闯关。

  老师:look at these Pictures role play and we see the time on the pictures and i want to ask you some questions, what time is it and its time to look at the first picture what time is it youre right, its half past seven and its time to go to school well, done the second picture what time is it its eight oclock its time to have classes number three look, what time is it its half past nine its time to have a math class, number four what time is


《13 Revision 1_第1课时》.doc
