三年级 · 英语 · 陕旅版 · 上册

10 Unit 4 What's this Part A


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Sunny's English class. Today we are going to learn Unit 4. What's this? Lesson one. Look at the picture. What's this? Great. It's a zoo. Look, the girl and her mother are coming today. They will go to the zoo. Let's go with them. Does the girl say.

  学生:Mom, what's this?

  老师:Please read after me. Mom, what's this? What does her mother say? It's a cat. Please read after me. It's a cat.

  老师:It's, it's. We can also say it is. It is.

  老师:Look, it's a dog. We can also say, look, is a dog. Good job. What does the girl say? Is this a cat? Please read after me. Is this a cat? What does her mother say?

  学生:No, it isn't. It's a tiger.

  老师:Please read after me. No, it isn't. It's a Tiger. No, no, 8. 8. Isn't. Isn't. We can also say is not. It's not. Well done. Is it a pig? No, it isn't. What does her mother say?

  学生:Look, what's that?

  老师:Please read after me. Look, what's that? What does the girl say?

  学生:Is that a lion?

  老师:Please read after me. Is that a lion? What does her mother say?

  学生:Yes, it is.

  老师:Please read after me. Yes. Is, look, look, that, that, yes, yes. Look, it's a panda. Look, that is a bird. Well done. To sum up, look at this picture. We can ask, what's this? We can answer. It's a cat. Look at that picture. We can ask, what's that? We can answer it's a lion. This time. Let's watch the video, then fill in blanks and read.

  学生:Mom, what's this? It's a cat.

  学生:Is this a cat? No, it isn't. It's a tiger. Look, what's that? Is that a lion? Yes, it is.

  老师:Have you found the answer? Let's check the answer. Mom, what's this? It's a cat. Is this a cat? Now, isn't it's a tiger. Look what's that? Is that a lion? Yes, it is. Good job. It's time to read the dialogue. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

  学生:What says it's a cat? Is this a cat? No, it isn't. It's a tiger. Look, what's that? Is that a lion? Yes, it is.

  老师:Perfect. I like your pronunciation and intonation. Then let's see more animals.

  学生:What's that? It's a dog. What's that? It's a rabbit.

  老师:Notice No. 1, we should protect the environment. No. 2, we should love animals. This time, let's say, please look at the picture. What does the girl say?

  学生:This is a pear. That's an apple.

  老师:Please read after me. This is a pair. That's apple. And. And. Apple. Egg, ice cream, orange and umbrella. Good job. What does her mother say? What's this? Please read after me. What's this? What does the girl say? It's an egg. Please read after me. It's an egg. Well done. Then let's watch the video.

  学生:This is a pear. That's an apple. What's this?

  老师:It's an egg. Time. Let's listen and circle.

  学生:Number one, what's this? It's an egg. Number two, is this an apple? Yes, it is. Number three, look, this is a box. Number fo


《10 Unit 4 What's this Part A》.doc
