四年级 · 英语 · 译林版 · 下册

36 Period 4 Rhyme time,Checkout time and Ticking time


  老师:Hello, I'm Lindsay. Welcome to my English class. Today we'll go on to learn Unity 7. What's the matter? One time. Check out time. I'm taking time.

  老师:At the end of the lesson, you will be able to talk about feelings, use what's the matter to talk with others, and know the sound of letter O. Are you ready? Great. Let's start. Look, a seed. Follow me. Seed. This is an apple seed. Look, it looks a little sad. What's the matter? Let's.

  学生:Listen. I want to be a big apple tree, but I need water, food and something else. Can you help.

  老师:Me? Oh, let's help him. Okay, good. 1St. Let's enjoy a chant. Please listen and follow it.

  老师:A rose is a rose and a nose is a nose. And the nose is a nose. You may use your nose. You may use your nose to smell a rose. In this chant, there are two words. Rose, nose. What's the sound of letter O? Yes.

  老师:It's old. Can you say more words about them? Yes, I think you can say a lot now. I'll show you some of them. Please read them loudly. Go home, Joe. Look at these words. Some of them doesn't have the sound.

  老师:Oh, what is it? Please read them and find it out. Close. Not code. No. Yes, that's the word. Not. Next one.

  老师:Socks. Urban. Old. Hello. Bingo. That's the word. Box. Next one.

  老师:Clothes. Loves don't over. Yes, you're right. That's the word. Gloves. I think you did a good job. Now let's go on. Now please listen carefully and try to spell the word.

  老师:Ready? Go. 0. 0.

  老师:Yes, that's 0. Zero is a number. Are you right? Next one. Cola. Cola. Bingo. It's Cola.

  老师:Do you like Cola? But don't drink too much. It's bad for you. Now the last one. Mango. Mango. Yes, it's mango. I like mangoes.

  老师:What about you? Now with your help, the apple seed can get water and he grows up through the ground. Now let's go on to finish Task two. Here's the song. Let's enjoy. Hey, hello. How are you doing? I am happy.

  老师:Hello. How are you doing? I'm sad. I'm sad. Sad. Hello. How are you? I am hungry.

  老师:I'm hungry. No.

  老师:What's the song about? Yes, it's about feelings. Can you say the words about feelings? Yes, I think you can say a lot of them quickly. Let's see. Happy, sad, hungry, Ill. Thursday and tired. And you may say some other words like code.

  老师:Hot, angry, scared and sleepy. Look, Mike and his dad are talking. What's the matter, Mike asks his dad. Mike can say, yes, you're right. He can say hot. What's his father's advice? Look, what's that in his hand? Yes, it's a fan.

  老师:Follow me and app. Fan. Fan. So his dad can say, here's a fan. Now let me change the picture. Look, what can he say? Yes, he can say, here's the ice cream. When we help others, we can use the service pattern.

  老师:Here's all here are. And we can also use this one. Have, please. So his dad can say, heaven, ice cream, please.


《36 Period 4 Rhyme time,Checkout time and Ticking time》.doc
