三年级 · 英语 · 译林版 · 上册

8 Period 3 Cartoon time & Rhyme time


  老师:Hello, I'm Amy. Nice to see you again. Welcome to our English world 1st. Let's stand up. Let's do ladder exercise together. Okay, go. A, ant, v, B, B, bye, bye. Bear. CCC, cat, d, d, d, dog, elephants, F, f, F. Frog. Okay, sit down, please.

  老师:Today, let's go to the Letter Zoo. So what letter animals can you see in this zoo? See, this is letter D. How about this one? It's letter B. And this is letter a. This is letter f. And this is letter. See, this is letter. Do you know what letter is it? It's letter G. So today we are going to learn the letter g. Look. Look at my mouth. G, g, g. And this is the big g, and this is the small g. And what do they look like? See, this time, let's be G together. You can say, do you like this? I'm G on G. Great. Can you write letter G? Now let's watch the cartoon.

  学生:G. G.

  老师:I think it, it's easy for you, right? You can open your copy book and try to write letter G on your book. Okay, go. I think you can all write very well.

  老师:Now, this time, let's go to the forest. Can you find letter a to letter G? Please watch carefully. Can you find letter A? Yes, a is here. What about letter B? Wow, it's there. And let her see. Can you find it? See, letter D, there, letter E. How about letter F and letter G? It's quite easy, right? It's so big. This is letter G. Quite good. I think you all have magic eyes this time. Can you find the neighbors of these letters? Please open your copy book and try to write the neighbors of these letters.

  老师:Now, let's check. What are the neighbors of letter F? They are e and g. How about the neighbors of letter B? They are a. And see, that's good. I think you know the letter G very well and you can write them very well, right? What's the sound of letter G? Let's listen.

  学生:G. G is for goose. G. G. G is very good.

  老师:Can you chant? Please? Read after me. G. G. G. G is for goose. G. G. G. G is for goose. So in Unit 2, we learn three letters. They are e, f, and G. Now, can you change from E to G? Let's chant it together. Okay.

  学生:E. E. E is for a. E. E. E. E for a.

  老师:F. F. F. F is for fish. F. F. F f is for fish.

  学生:G. He is for goose.

  老师:Quite good. I think you can chant very well. And after class you can chant from a to G. Can you? Yes, you can. Look. Look at our friend Bobby. What is he doing now? Yes, he is playing hide and seek with his friends. Look at his friends. Are they happy? Yes, they are very happy. Can you guess what are they saying? Think about it. Now. See. Are they saying hi, Bobby, hi, Bobby. Let's read after it.

  学生:Hi, Bobby. Hi, Bobby. Hi, Bobby.

  老师:Hi, Bobby. Yes, they are all saying hi Bobby to Bobby, right? And Bobby is seeking for them. But who is Bobby seeking for this time? Let's watch the cartoon and try to find out the answer.

  学生:hahaha Hee


《8 Period 3 Cartoon time & Rhyme time》.doc
