选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 译林版

16 Integrated skills


  老师:Okay, now let's start today's class 1st. Let me share a picture with you. I think all of us are familiar with the thing in this picture, right? Many students take online classes at home due to the coronal virus pandemic. Yes, and staring at the computer screen for a long time makes our eyes tired. It results in the short sightness. So what kind of influence does short sightiness have on your daily life?

  老师:Yes, I think now the short sightness has a bad influence on life inside and outside of the classroom. On the one hand, we cannot see the blackboard clearly, so we often fail to follow the teachers in class. On the other hand, we cannot do many sports because we are unable to react in time. As a result, we may feel unconfident not only about school but also about life. Though we can wear glasses, it is really inconvenience and sometimes we get headaches with them. Furthermore, we are concerned that our short sightedness will become more serious as we grow up. So I think shortsightiness has a bad influence on our daily life.

  老师:Now let's listen to a report about shot sightiness and answer the following questions on Part A1 on page 36. Now would you please read the questions carefully by yourself first? Okay, now if you are ready, let's listen to the tape.

  老师:Okay, now let's look at the first question. So what is special about the increasing number of Chinese students who are affected by short sightedness? Yes, they become shortsighterners increasingly at a younger age. Now, how about the No. 2, the second question? So what sports can shortsightedness make it inconvenient for students to play? Okay, they are basketball and swimming.

  老师:Now let's move on to the third question. What may shortsighteners give rise to in some cases? Yes, so short sightiners will give rise to other eye problems in some cases, right?

  老师:Now, let's look at the last question. What may be a key factor in developing shortsightedness? Yes, how people use their eyes may be a key factor in developing short sightness, right? So I think it's very easy to get the answers to the four questions, right? Yes.

  老师:Now, would you please listen to the report again for some detailed information? It is helpful to identify keywords before you listen to a report. For example, from the notes of Part A2 on page 36, you might identify definition, percentages, courses and science as keywords. Then you can predict what the speaker will talk about. And look out for these words as you listen. So now, you should focus on the keywords, definition, percentages, courses and science.

  老师:Okay? Please focus on Part A2 to get some detailed information. Okay?

  老师:Now first let's pay more attention to the percentages of students who suffer from short sightedness. Now let's listen to the tape.


《16 Integrated skills》.doc
