选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 译林版

10 Integrated skills


  老师:Hello, everyone. Today we will take a Book, 5 Unit 2 integrated skills. First, let's have a small talk. During this summer holiday, surely you had fun watching the Tokyo Olympics. Yes.

  老师:First, let's enjoy a short video for you to choose your favorite sports stars.

  老师:Now comes my question. Who is your favorite athlete? Why? If possible, give an explanation. Of course, you may have different answers. Maybe Yang Qian, the first gold medal winner in women's shooting 10 m air rifle. Or maybe Chen Hongchan, the youngest gold medal winner in women's 10 m platform.

  老师:Or maybe Su Bintian, Asian flyer immense 100 m final. Or maybe China table tennis team, which is our strength, our pride. Or some other marginal spots like weight lifting athletes. Of course, that's your own choice. Then again, here is another short video for you to find out what do they have in common.

  学生:每个迷茫的人都应该看看奥运会,因为你的疑惑,都能在那汗水和泪水齐飞的故事里找到答案。杨倩,把过程做好,结果自然不会差,真的太稳了。回看杨倩,比赛,在落后 0. 2 环的被动情况下,依然能够面不改色,沉稳的用最后一枪扭转局势,这种强大的心理素质,丝毫不逊于成熟稳重的老将。在接受记者采访时,杨倩说,把过程做好,结果不会差,是瞄准目标,不惧过往。成败同样适用于每一个人,每次都是一个新的开始。

  学生:施婷茂,没有舒服的时候,只有痛和很痛的区别。东京奥运会上,重庆姑娘施婷茂两次夺金。从 2013 年至今,奥运会、世锦赛和世界杯三大赛,施廷茂参加过的所有女子 3 米党个人和双人项目都获得冠军,夺冠率100%,连续 5 年获得国际泳联最佳跳水女运动员。这样的成绩连高敏、福明霞、郭晶晶和吴敏霞都不曾达到。

  学生:在 2019 赛季,她伤病问题越发突出,最严重的时候甚至腰间盘骨节突出,在床上整整躺了一个礼拜无法动弹。不仅是身体上的疼痛,心理上的煎熬更令他崩溃。那段时间他只要站上跳水板,脑子就一片空白,完全忘了动作要怎么做。他已经不是初出茅庐的新人,作为梦之队领军人物的他是无数后辈的榜样,他身上承担着难以想象的压力,而这一切只能他一个人消化。过年的时候,他一个人在训练室的海绵殿上一点一点的重新开始学动作,就在一次又一次的自我折磨中,慢慢的找回了曾经的状态。每个人都有暗伤,每个人都有疼痛,我们见自己,见他人,见众生,才会戒掉矫情,习得宽容。

  学生:苏炳添,我想把我能做的,该做的,可以做的都做好,我还想要坚持。8月1日,东京奥运会男子 100 米决赛中,苏炳添获得第六名,创造了中国田径新的历史。之前的半决赛中,苏炳添跑出 9 秒 83 的成绩或亚洲纪录,并预赛第一,这一成绩已经刷新了亚洲纪录。苏炳添成为中国乃至亚洲首位闯入奥运男子百米决赛的运动员,也打碎了中国人田径运动项目步行的偏见。要知道, 100 米短跑要提高 0. 1 秒都是很艰难的,为了提高 0. 08 秒,苏炳添就用了 3 年的时间,苏炳添的决赛成绩是 9 秒98,位居第六,没得奖牌但举过欢庆,全网贺喜。

  学生:作为中国短跑的领军人物, 32 岁的苏炳添一直在挑战着自己,努力创造属于中国的奇迹。我想把我能做的,该做的,可以做的都做好,我还想要坚持。这是苏炳添创造奇迹的秘籍,又何尝不是我们每个人战胜自我的武器。人间传奇都是行动而来的,不是做梦而来的。这个8月,属于奥运,属于每一个坚持奋斗的你,我是帮你职场简单点,离钱近一点的执新雅。你还想了解哪些职场话题?欢迎留言,我们讨论区里继续聊。

  老师:My question is, what do they have in common? Think about it. Yes, they shed tears. They sweat a lot in their daily training. They suffer from pain, either mentally or physically. They suffer from hardships. They suffer from great pressure. They optimize their skills, as well as their inner powerful strengths, which is rather important, sometimes even decisive. Yes, they are trained to strive for the glory of our country, etc. Yes, they have a lot in common. They display their sportsmanship in their training as well as in the Olympics.

  老师:Besides the Chinese sports stars in the Olympics, we will talk about Sir Bobby Chelton. It is a listening material by Daniel. Daniel is listening to an introduction to Sir Bobby Chelton. Listen and finish the exercises below. Now it's time for your listen. Please turn


《10 Integrated skills》.doc
