必修 第三册 ·英语· 译林版

1 Welcome to the unit+Reading_第1课时


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to Module 3, unit 1, nature in the balance. Welcome to the unit and reading. By the end of this section, students will be able to, 1st, appreciate a song and share their opinions on Friedrich Angles words. Second, summarize the outline of the script and locate some specific information related to the Amazon rainforest. Third, analyze the reasons why the Amazon rainforest is a natural treasure.

  老师:Now, first, let's enjoy your song together. While listening, please think about the question, what is the message of the song? Yes, the message of the song is that we should protect our environment.

  老师:Now, please open your book and turn to page one. Let's take a close look at the lyrics of the song. The song consists of four parts. In Part 1, the human race has done much harm. We have polluted our soils and seas and cut down too many trees. Now it's a time to sound the alarm. This is a warning of our current situation. And in part three, let's be thankful for the skies above. Let's plant new trees and stop pollution. Let's work together. So what is it? Yes, it's an appeal for immediate action.

  老师:Actually, more than 100 years ago, the famous thinker Friedrich Angels have said, let us, however, do not flatter ourselves overmuch on account of human victories over nature. For each such victory, nature takes its revenge on us. So here, flatter ourselves overmuch means we think too highly of ourselves. Take revenge on means to punish someone who have made you suffer. Do you agree with him? Please discuss with your partner and provide some examples to support your idea. Okay, any volunteers wants to share your opinion?

  老师:Yes, the nature is taking its revenge on us. We won't forget the floods in central and southern China, the smoke hanging over the big cities. And even this year, scientists have found microplastics in Arctic snow. And also, we won't forget the fires raging through the Amazon district. And environmentalists fear that the fires may affect the Amazon rainforest and South America's ecology. So why is the Amazon rainforest so important to us?

  老师:Today we will read a passage together. And after reading it, you may have some idea about it now. Please open your book and turn to page two. Look at the title of the passage, the Amazon rainforest, a natural treasure. It is a documentary script. What is a documentary? Documentary is a program that is about the specific subject with detailed information and a script that is a written form of a program or speech.

  老师:So what do you think this script is about? Judging from the title and the picture? Yes, maybe the passage will cover the geographic location of the Amazon rainforest, the birds, plants and mammals in it, the significance of the Amazon rainforest and also th


《1 Welcome to the unit+Reading_第1课时》.doc
