必修 第一册 ·英语· 译林版

4 Integrated skills


  老师:Hello class, my name is Yi Chen May from Suzhou Foreign Language School. Today we are going to deal with Unit 1, back to school integrated skills. Here we're going to take a look at lesson aids. In this lesson, we are going to listen to a conversation on the steps of setting up a school club, to read a school club proposal and study its features, to speak out your school club standing up plans and to write a proposal for a new school club.

  老师:First, let's take a look at some of the pictures. What are these school clubs? Oh, yes, they are chess clubs, Debate club, Music Club and Sports Club. Have you ever joined any of these clubs in your school?

  老师:Okay, what are the benefits of taking part in the school club? There are some benefits of joining a school club. For example, to improve communicative skills. Some clubs meet regularly and require a large time commitment, while others meet once a month or less. Each club usually has a teacher or staff member who acts as a supervisor. Students can hold leadership positions in the clubs, such as president, the secretary. By involving East School clubs, the student, he usually develop his or her communicative skill.

  老师:Second benefit is to prepare for college applications. College and admissions officers like to see students who have participated in in extracurricular activities such as clubs, because it helps them understand a student's interests better and shows that the student likes being involved and working with other people. And also, it can help expand your knowledge scope.

  老师:Even if your school has a classroom club in your general area of the interest, you may want to focus your attention on a more specific topic. For example, perhaps your school office in the art course, but you are passionate about sculpture specifically. In that case, can see the starting a sculpture club. Then? Do you know the steps of sending up a new club? Well, yes. You probably need to write a plan and apply to school directors. Before you apply to school directors or principals, it is recommended that you talk with the school club advisor. Club advisors are trusted instructors, so find one and talk about your school club plans. A club advisor might guide you through your club aims and activities to fit into the school policies and regulations. This can increase your chance of being approved by the school principle.

  老师:Here are the steps of studying a new school club. Usually we have to research the needs of your club members and the needs of school leaders. Then we need to take a look at the detailed plan. With the detailed plan, it is suggested that we talk to the school advisors, which is the consultation process. Then it would be the application process to the school principles in order to get them approv


《4 Integrated skills》.doc
